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Tip 726 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created May 17, 2004 · complexity basic · author Devin Weaver · version 6.0

Here is a panic button, so no one accidentally sees words they aren't supposed to.

noremap <Leader>r ggg?G``

With this in your vimrc you can hit \r in a panic and all the text goes to gibberish. So in case you can't type :wqa! fast enough or :mksession

Running this again reverses it. It uses Vim's rot13 command on the whole file.


This is a good idea, however, the solution is not quite versatile.

ROT13 works only for pure English text. i.e. a-z and A-Z.

For programs which have lots of symbols, the ROT13 encoded text still looks like a program. So this is not a good "boss key".

For most non-Enligsh texts, characters other than a-z and A-Z will be widely used, and ROT13 will have no effect on non-English texts. Still, this is a case when the ROT13 is not a good "boss key".

Try a better encoding algorithm for boss key, or you'll be "catched" by your boss!

Why not use

imap <silent> <A-v><A-v> <C-o>:suspend<CR>
vmap <silent> <A-v><A-v> :<C-u>suspend<CR>

to simply minimize the window?

How about:

map <F1> :w<CR>:e ~/i_nominate_x_for_nobull_prise.txt<CR>

I'd use something other than Vim-features to implement a Boss key:

In windowmaker: Meta-M (Minimize Window)

Running screen: CTRL-A + D (Detach session)
