Vim Tips Wiki
Line 65: Line 65:
" rather than at the end of the line being broken.
" rather than at the end of the line being broken.
autocmd BufWriteCmd *.html,*.gtpl : call Refresh_firefox()
autocmd BufWriteCmd *.html,*.css,*.gtpl : call Refresh_firefox()
function! Refresh_firefox()
function! Refresh_firefox()
if &modified
if &modified
Line 79: Line 79:

Revision as of 01:31, 15 June 2010

Editing HTML in Vim is a lot nicer if you can see updates in Firefox without needing to remove your hands from the keyboard.

With MozRepl and a little .vimrc script, now you can do just that!

The bad old way

You're probably all too familiar with this annoying mini-workflow:

  • Edit your HTML/css file
  • Hit save in Vim
  • Take your hands off the keyboard and move your mouse over to Firefox
  • Hit <CTRL-R> in Firefox to refresh
  • Move the mouse back to Vim and putting your hands back on the keyboard
  • Do it again and again, wincing a little bit each time.

The joyful new Vim + MozRepl way

With the little .vimrc + MozRepl hack shown below, all you need to do is:

  • Edit your HTML/css file
  • Hit save in Vim -- Firefox will refresh automatically, preserving its scroll offsets!

This integration is no where near as fancy as the Emacs MozRepl binding, but this one feature alone makes it super useful to me -- and to you too, I hope. Feel free to improve it & post what you've done.

Vim + MozRepl

Here's the relevant excerpt from my .vimrc

" When editing an .html,.css, or .gtpl file, make Firefox refresh
" after the buffer is saved, preserving the current scroll offset.
" Requires:
"       [1]  MozRepl must be installed & running in Firefox
"       [2]  Netcat (nc) must be on your path.
"       [3]  Firefox & vim are both on the same machine (localhost).
"            Actually, you can fix that if you want by adjusting
"            this script + your MosRepl settings but it's probably
"            a bit of a security risk.
" Ok, here's how it works:
"   I use echo + netcat (nc) to send a dopey little MosRepl
"   script (see below) to Firefox.  All the output is tossed
"   away (2>&1 > /dev/null) because MozRepl is chatty.
"   Global variables are used (vimXo, vimYo) to capture the X,Y
"   offset of the web page for vim.   Maybe there's a way to not
"   use a global, but I don't know that that might be.  After saving
"   the buffer and reloading the browser, scroll to the X,Y offset.
" See also:
" Aside:  Line continuation in vimscript is a bit weird;
"         it comes at start of the line you want merged,
"         rather than at the end of the line being broken.
autocmd BufWriteCmd  *.html,*.css,*.gtpl  : call Refresh_firefox()
function! Refresh_firefox()
    if &modified
        silent !echo  'vimYo = content.window.pageYOffset;
                     \ vimXo = content.window.pageXOffset;
                     \ BrowserReload();
                     \ content.window.scrollTo(vimXo,vimYo);
                     \ repl.quit();'  |
                     \ nc localhost 4242 2>&1 > /dev/null

