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Tip: #318 - Brackets and parentheses in Perl

Created: August 22, 2002 8:11 Complexity: intermediate Author: Abitkin Version: 5.7 Karma: 9/3 Imported from: Tip#318

This is an extension of VimTip153

I found this tip useful, but the jump seemed out of place for me, I couldn't enter just one ' or ", and so I created an improvement

Basically, I set it up so that when you're in perl and have a non keyword charcter, (except for @, $ and % for perl) and you type a { you get:



Found a bug or two... Here's the Fix: "######################################## " File - matchMe.vim " Date - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 "########################################

" This code fixes my problem with " does the one format for perl and acts correctly with " hashes function! InsertBrackets()

let fileType = &ft 
if fileType == 'perl' 
let col = col('.') - 1 
if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\$' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '--AT--' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '%' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '#' 
return "{\<cr>\<bs>}\<esc>ko" 
return "{}\<esc>i\<c-o>:echo \<cr>" 
return "{\<cr>\<bs>}\<esc>ko" 


" This code jumps out of the brackets function! JumpNext(startChar, endChar)

let ret1 = "\<esc>:echo searchpair('".a:startChar."',,'".a:endChar."','W','synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"), col(\".\"), 0), \"name\") =~? \"string\"')\<cr>i\<right>" 
return ret1 


" mappings inoremap " ""<esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr> inoremap ' <esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr> inoremap < <><esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr> inoremap ( ()<esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr> inoremap [ []<esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr> inoremap { <c-r>=InsertBrackets ()<cr> inoremap > <c-r>=JumpNext("<",">")<cr> inoremap ) <c-r>=JumpNext("(",")")<cr> inoremap ] <c-r>=JumpNext("[","]")<cr> inoremap } <c-r>=JumpNext("{","}")<cr> inoremap <m--> [ inoremap <m-=> ] inoremap <m-/> " inoremap <m-[> { inoremap <m-]> } inoremap <m-,> < inoremap <m-.> > inoremap <m-9> ( inoremap <m-0> ) inoremap <m-'> ' , August 22, 2002 9:15

Cool!!! I used a similar (but mostly far more basic...) set of functions and mappings for my C and Python code, but with a slightly different behavior...

here is some code I find a bit more convenient (at least for my liking :) )


fun! s:Toggle_EditHelpers()

if !exists('b:edithelpers_on') || b:edithelpers_on == 0 
let b:edithelpers_on=1 
inoremap  <esc>i 
inoremap """ """ 
inoremap "" ""<esc>i 
inoremap <> <><esc>i 
inoremap [] []<esc>i 
inoremap () ()<esc>i 
inoremap {} {}<esc>i 
cnoremap  <Left> 
cnoremap """ """ 
cnoremap "" ""<Left> 
cnoremap <> <><Left> 
cnoremap [] []<Left> 
cnoremap () ()<Left> 
cnoremap {} {}<Left> 
let b:edithelpers_on=0 
iunmap """ 
iunmap "" 
iunmap <> 
iunmap [] 
iunmap () 
iunmap {} 
cunmap """ 
cunmap "" 
cunmap <> 
cunmap [] 
cunmap () 
cunmap {} 

endfun " I like most features to be easily switched on and off... nnoremap <silent><F9> :call <SID>Toggle_EditHelpers()<CR> vnoremap <silent><F9> <C-C>:call <SID>Toggle_EditHelpers()<CR> inoremap <silent><F9> <C-O>:call <SID>Toggle_EditHelpers()<CR> " turn on by default

call <SID>Toggle_EditHelpers()



Alex A. Naanou <> , August 22, 2002 15:29

One more update... I found this quite useful, as sometimes I delete the ending char, to insert it around a block, and then when I type it again, I just get a flash... " This code jumps out of the brackets function! JumpNext(startChar, endChar,oneItem)

let ret1 = "\<esc>:if \"0\"==searchpair('".a:startChar."',,'".a:endChar."','W','synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"), col(\".\"), 0), \"name\") =~? \"string\"')\<cr>exec(\"normal i".a:oneItem."\")\<cr>endif\<cr>i\<right>" 
return ret1 


" mappings inoremap > <c-r>=JumpNext("<",">","\<m-.>")<cr> inoremap ) <c-r>=JumpNext("(",")","\<m-0>")<cr> inoremap ] <c-r>=JumpNext("[","]","\<m-=>")<cr> inoremap } <c-r>=JumpNext("{","}","\<m-]>")<cr> , August 23, 2002 12:58

Look out for other bracketing scripts!

Anonymous , August 27, 2002 9:39

not sure why, but this mapping tip does not work for me when i use it on gvim6.0 on unix (seems to be ok for gvim6.1 on PC and gvim5.5 on Unix).

the <esc> char will be mapped directly as text instead of the usual <esc> function.

any idea why is that so??

thanks in advance!!

Anonymous , August 28, 2002 18:34

My only guess is that your escape char is <m-[> Changing that binding may fix your problem.

Here's an update, with toggle, and the toggle should let your escape work again: "######################################## " File - matchMe.vim " Date - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 " E-Mail - "########################################

" This code fixes my problem with " does the one format for perl, and acts " correctly with hashes. function! InsertBrackets()

let fileType = &ft 
if fileType == 'perl' 
let col = col('.') - 1 
if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\$' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '--AT--' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '%' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '#' 
return "{\<cr>\<bs>}\<esc>ko" 
return "{}\<esc>i\<c-o>:echo \<cr>" 
return "{\<cr>\<bs>}\<esc>ko" 


" This code jumps out of the brackets function! JumpNext(startChar, endChar,oneItem)

let ret1 = "\<esc>:if \"0\"==searchpair('".a:startChar."',,'".a:endChar."','W','synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"), col(\".\"), 0), \"name\") =~? \"string\"')\<cr>exec(\"normal i".a:oneItem."\")\<cr>endif\<cr>i\<right>" 
return ret1 


" Added toggle. " Date: Thursday, August 29, 2002 --AT-- 07:57 AM " Thanks to: Alex A. Naanou <> fun! s:Toggle_Edit2()

if exists('b:edithelpers_on') && b:edithelpers_on == 1 
if (!exists('b:edithelpers2_on') || b:edithelpers2_on == 0) 
let b:edithelpers2_on=1 
" mappings 
inoremap > <c-r>=JumpNext("<",">","\<m-.>")<cr> 
inoremap ) <c-r>=JumpNext("(",")","\<m-0>")<cr> 
inoremap ] <c-r>=JumpNext("[","]","\<m-=>")<cr> 
inoremap } <c-r>=JumpNext("{","}","\<m-]>")<cr> 
inoremap <m-=> ] 
inoremap <m-]> } 
inoremap <m-.> > 
inoremap <m-0> ) 
let b:edithelpers2_on=0 
iunmap > 
iunmap ) 
iunmap ] 
iunmap } 
iunmap <m-=> 
iunmap <m-]> 
iunmap <m-.> 
iunmap <m-0> 


" Added toggle. " Date: Thursday, August 29, 2002 --AT-- 07:57 AM " Thanks to: Alex A. Naanou <> fun! s:Toggle_Edit()

if !exists('b:edithelpers_on') || b:edithelpers_on == 0 
let b:edithelpers_on=1 
" mappings 
inoremap " ""<esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr> 
inoremap ' <esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr> 
inoremap < <><esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr> 
inoremap ( ()<esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr> 
inoremap [ []<esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr> 
inoremap { <c-r>=InsertBrackets ()<cr> 
inoremap <m--> [ 
inoremap <m-/> " 
inoremap <m-[> { 
inoremap <m-,> < 
inoremap <m-9> ( 
inoremap <m-'> ' 
if !exists('b:edithelpers2_on') || b:edithelpers2_on == 0 
call <SID>Toggle_Edit2() 
iunmap " 
iunmap ' 
iunmap < 
iunmap ( 
iunmap [ 
iunmap { 
iunmap <m--> 
iunmap <m-/> 
iunmap <m-[> 
iunmap <m-,> 
iunmap <m-9> 
iunmap <m-'> 
if exists('b:edithelpers2_on') && b:edithelpers2_on == 1 
call <SID>Toggle_Edit2() 
let b:edithelpers_on=0 


nnoremap <silent><F9> :call <SID>Toggle_Edit()<CR> inoremap <silent><F9> <C-O>:call <SID>Toggle_Edit()<CR> call <SID>Toggle_Edit() nnoremap <silent><F8> :call <SID>Toggle_Edit2()<CR> inoremap <silent><F8> <C-O>:call <SID>Toggle_Edit2()<CR> " F-8 toggles the jump " F-9 toggles the bracketing feature and overrides F-8 , August 29, 2002 8:43

For me, trying to use F9 (Toggle) sends a whole list of error E31 "No such mapping".... Other than that, it works as expected. Tried both unix and windows, same results I would love to have the Toggle... Thanks in advance! , August 15, 2003 23:37

I think I understand why it doesn't work.

When the fucntion is first called, you get, e.g., inoremap " ""<esc>i<c-o>:echo <cr>

but by the time you toggle it (calling the fucntion again) iunmap "

it doesn't work because the " is substituted by " " by the interpreter, which is under the influence of the first inoremap, hence the error "No such mapping". I don't know why the interpreter behaves like this, It might be something I have in my .vimrc. Any solutions?

THanks a lot! , August 16, 2003 0:22

Thanks atkinssc.

I'm using 'vim 6.2 for MS-Window' downloaded from this site.

I tried your script to find all the functions are working fine except JumpNext function with ].

When I tried ] key inside a [] bracket, vim doesn't get out of the bracket, adding an extra ] inside the bracket.

Could you tell me what I have to do to get out of [] brackets?

Anonymous , April 15, 2004 10:46
