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Tip: #1456 - Cache user-preferred option values for later reset

Created: January 5, 2007 5:42 Complexity: basic Author: Thomas Version: n/a Karma: 1/1 Imported from: Tip#1456

Some plugins inadvertently(?) set global options. I have the following code at the top of my vimrc file and set all options to my preferred values using the SetOption command. Whenever I want to reset options I do :ResetOptions which resets all user-defined options previously set by SetOption.

 let s:option_preferences = [] 
 fun! ResetOption(options) 
   if empty(a:options) 
     let options = s:option_preferences 
     let options = a:options 
   for name in options 
     let name0 = 'g:'. name .'_default' 
     if exists(name0) 
       exec 'let &'. name .' = '. name0 
 command! -nargs=* ResetOption :call ResetOption([<f-args>]) 
 command! -nargs=+ SetOption let s:tmlargs=[<f-args>] 
  \ | for arg in s:tmlargs[1:-1] 
  \ |   if arg =~ '^[+-]\?=' 
  \ |     exec 'set '.s:tmlargs[0] . arg 
  \ |   else 
  \ |     exec 'let &'.s:tmlargs[0] .'='. arg 
  \ |   endif 
  \ | endfor 
  \ | call add(s:option_preferences, s:tmlargs[0]) 
  \ | exec 'let g:'. s:tmlargs[0] .'_default = &'. s:tmlargs[0] 
  \ | unlet s:tmlargs 


Add and remove specific options:
:SetOption cpo +=my -=M 
Set the value:
:SetOption ts 4 
:SetOption ts =4 
Just cache the predefined value so that it can be restored later on (in this example a later reset would be the same as :set tw&):
:SetOption tw 
Reset specific options:
:ResetOption ts tw 
Reset all user-set options:

In order to monitor the options setting, I display changed values in &statusline. (The following code is based on some tip by somebody else or a vimrc I found years ago on the web. Don't know who originally came up with this.)

 set statusline=%1*[%{winnr()}:%02n]%*\ %2t\ %(%M%R%H%W%k%)\ %=%{TmlStatusline()}\ %3*<%l,%c%V,%p%%>%* 
 fu! TmlStatusline() 
   let opt = "<". &syntax ."/". &fileformat .">" 
   if !&backup | let opt=opt." no-bak" |endif 
   if !&et | let opt=opt." no-et" |endif 
   if &list | let opt=opt." list" |endif 
   if &paste | let opt=opt." paste" | endif 
   if !&expandtab | let opt=opt." tab" | endif 
   if &ts != g:ts_default | let opt=opt.' ts='.&ts | endif 
   if &sw != g:sw_default | let opt=opt.' sw='.&sw | endif 
   if &tw != g:tw_default | let opt=opt.' tw='.&tw | endif 
   if &wm != g:wm_default | let opt=opt.' wm='.&wm | endif 
   if &enc != g:enc_default | let opt=opt.' enc='.&enc | endif 
   if &ve != g:ve_default | let opt=opt.' ve='. &ve | endif 
   if &fo != g:fo_default | let opt=opt.' fo='. &fo | endif 
   if &cpo != g:cpo_default | let opt=opt.' cpo='. &cpo | endif 
   if &bin | let opt=opt.' [bin]' | endif 
   if &foldlevel != s:foldlevel | let opt=opt.' F'.&foldlevel | endif 
   let opt=opt." | ".strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M") 
   return opt 

It could have been this one by Thomas Bader:


Here a slightly modified version:

 let s:options = {} 
 fun! ResetOption(options) 
   if empty(a:options) 
     let options = keys(s:options) 
     let options = a:options 
   for name in options 
     exec 'let &'. name .' = s:options[name]' 
 command! -nargs=* ResetOption :call ResetOption([<f-args>]) 
 command! -nargs=+ SetOption let s:tmlargs=[<f-args>] 
  \ | for arg in s:tmlargs[1:-1] 
  \ |   if arg =~ '^[+-]\?=' 
  \ |     exec 'set '.s:tmlargs[0] . arg 
  \ |   else 
  \ |     exec 'let &'.s:tmlargs[0] .'='. arg 
  \ |   endif 
  \ | endfor 
  \ | exec 'let s:options[s:tmlargs[0]] = &'. s:tmlargs[0] 
  \ | unlet s:tmlargs 
 let s:option_labels = {'fdl': 'F'} 
 fun! TmlStatusline() 
   let opt = "<". &syntax ."/". &fileformat .">" 
   if !&backup | let opt=opt." no-bak" |endif 
   if !&et | let opt=opt." no-et" |endif 
   if &list | let opt=opt." list" |endif 
   if &paste | let opt=opt." paste" | endif 
   if !&expandtab | let opt=opt." tab" | endif  
   for [o, v] in items(s:options) 
     exec 'let oo = &'.o 
     if oo != v 
       let opt .= ' '. (has_key(s:option_labels, o) ? s:option_labels[o] : o.'=') . oo 
   if &bin | let opt=opt.' [bin]' | endif 
   if exists('b:compressed') | let opt=opt.' ['.b:compressed.']' | endif 
   let opt=opt." | ".strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M") 
   return opt 

Anonymous , January 5, 2007 6:39
