Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 742 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2004 · complexity basic · author Michael Pyne · version 6.0

I recently installed pyblosxom to do blogging, using Vim to edit blog posts. Pyblosxom automatically transforms .txt files under a certain path into HTML, RSS, or whatever else is appropriate. These .txt files will probably contain HTML, so if you would like to tell Vim to use a different syntax highlighting style for files under a directory path, try adding this to your vimrc:

autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile ~/.pyblosxom/data/* set syntax=html


As an aside, another way to go about this would be a user command that gives you a skeleton entry, saved and named (for instance current time/date stamp) as you desire with your cursor placed where you want. File format, patch mode and other such options can be set as desired as well.
