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Tip 298 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created August 5, 2002 · complexity intermediate · author Jonathan McPherson · version 5.7

I stumbled across this factoid on a website about vi. I haven't been able to locate it in the Vim documentation, but it works in Vim, and it's very handy.

There are times that you might like to go through a file and change the case of characters that match some arbitrary criteria. If you understand regular expressions well, you can actually do this fairly easily.

It's as simple as placing \U or \L in front of any backreferences in your regular expressions. Vim will make the text in the backreference uppercase or lowercase (respectively).

(A "backreference" is a part of a regular expression that refers to a previous part of a regular expression. The most common backrefernces are &, \1, \2, \3, ... , \9).

Some examples that demonstrate the power of this technique:

Lowercase the entire file -


(& is a handy backreference that refers to the complete text of the match.)

Uppercase all words that are preceded by a < (i.e. opening HTML tag names):




Note also the gu<motion> and gU<motion> commands.

For example, ggguG will lowercase the entire file. (gg = go to top, gu = lowercase, G = go to EOF).

By using the \0 general backref instead of the name ones (\1, \2 etc) you can save some typing for on replace stanza of the regex.

This regex upper cases an explicit set of words to uppercase in a file.

Not rocket science, but otherwise you'd have to do this:

convert HTML-Tags to uppercase


or to lowercase

