Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 1547 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created March 4, 2008 · complexity basic · author Edouard · version 7.0

I wanted to improve the standard Vim foldtext both to look better in GUI versions of Vim, and to make the folding work better with C-like languages (such as C++, Java and pov).

The foldtext function below does three things:

  • Is less intrusive when displaying code, and right-aligns the number of lines in the fold.
  • Collapses folds that start and end on braces with everything between the braces replaced with {...}.
  • Tries to collapse multiline comments with the first non-blank line in the comment.

Outstanding issues:

  • Right alignment may not work with signs turned on.
  • Tabs mess up the in-place display of the initial '{'.
" Set a nicer foldtext function
set foldtext=MyFoldText()
function! MyFoldText()
  let line = getline(v:foldstart)
  if match( line, '^[ \t]*\(\/\*\|\/\/\)[*/\\]*[ \t]*$' ) == 0
    let initial = substitute( line, '^\([ \t]\)*\(\/\*\|\/\/\)\(.*\)', '\1\2', '' )
    let linenum = v:foldstart + 1
    while linenum < v:foldend
      let line = getline( linenum )
      let comment_content = substitute( line, '^\([ \t\/\*]*\)\(.*\)$', '\2', 'g' )
      if comment_content != ''
      let linenum = linenum + 1
    let sub = initial . ' ' . comment_content
    let sub = line
    let startbrace = substitute( line, '^.*{[ \t]*$', '{', 'g')
    if startbrace == '{'
      let line = getline(v:foldend)
      let endbrace = substitute( line, '^[ \t]*}\(.*\)$', '}', 'g')
      if endbrace == '}'
        let sub = sub.substitute( line, '^[ \t]*}\(.*\)$', '...}\1', 'g')
  let n = v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1
  let info = " " . n . " lines"
  let sub = sub . "                                                                                                                  "
  let num_w = getwinvar( 0, '&number' ) * getwinvar( 0, '&numberwidth' )
  let fold_w = getwinvar( 0, '&foldcolumn' )
  let sub = strpart( sub, 0, winwidth(0) - strlen( info ) - num_w - fold_w - 1 )
  return sub . info

I also use the following highlights with white backgrounded source to visually set the folds apart from non-folded lines, while trying to keep a nice aesthetic.

highlight FoldColumn  gui=bold    guifg=grey65     guibg=Grey90
highlight Folded      gui=italic  guifg=Black      guibg=Grey90
highlight LineNr      gui=NONE    guifg=grey60     guibg=Grey90

See also

  • Folding presents an overview of how to use folding



Here's what I use. I think that some of it might be good to merge in (especially the 'diff' folding section) but I'm not up do doing it right now. My goal was to have a very similar fold pattern for things like C code, but provide a good fallback for all other folds, and define something special for diff folding. I really like the way the author of this tip treats comments in a special way—I might need to use that idea.

In my $HOME/vimfiles/ftplugin directory, I set up different file-types to use my different fold patterns. For example, in c.vim, I have 'let b:foldpat=1'.

if has("folding")
  set foldtext=MyFoldText()
  function! MyFoldText()
    " for now, just don't try if version isn't 7 or higher
    if v:version < 701
      return foldtext()
    " clear fold from fillchars to set it up the way we want later
    let &l:fillchars = substitute(&l:fillchars,',\?fold:.','','gi')
    let l:numwidth = (v:version < 701 ? 8 : &numberwidth)
    if &fdm=='diff'
      let l:linetext=''
      let l:foldtext='---------- '.(v:foldend-v:foldstart+1).' lines the same ----------'
      let l:align = winwidth(0)-&foldcolumn-(&nu ? Max(strlen(line('$'))+1, l:numwidth) : 0)
      let l:align = (l:align / 2) + (strlen(l:foldtext)/2)
      " note trailing space on next line
      setlocal fillchars+=fold:\ 
    elseif !exists('b:foldpat') || b:foldpat==0
      let l:foldtext = ' '.(v:foldend-v:foldstart).' lines folded'.v:folddashes.'|'
      let l:endofline = (&textwidth>0 ? &textwidth : 80)
      let l:linetext = strpart(getline(v:foldstart),0,l:endofline-strlen(l:foldtext))
      let l:align = l:endofline-strlen(l:linetext)
      setlocal fillchars+=fold:-
    elseif b:foldpat==1
      let l:align = winwidth(0)-&foldcolumn-(&nu ? Max(strlen(line('$'))+1, l:numwidth) : 0)
      let l:foldtext = ' '.v:folddashes
      let l:linetext = substitute(getline(v:foldstart),'\s\+$','','')
      let l:linetext .= ' ---'.(v:foldend-v:foldstart-1).' lines--- '
      let l:linetext .= substitute(getline(v:foldend),'^\s\+','','')
      let l:linetext = strpart(l:linetext,0,l:align-strlen(l:foldtext))
      let l:align -= strlen(l:linetext)
      setlocal fillchars+=fold:-
    return printf('%s%*s', l:linetext, l:align, l:foldtext)
