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Tip 1291 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created July 30, 2006 · complexity basic · author Ray Burgemeestre · version 6.0

The only way I managed to do this was to first load the desert color scheme (:colorscheme desert). It will then look only a little like the theme compared to when it's enabled in gvim. I change the colors in the PuTTY session to adjust the colors properly. You can view a screenshot at

You can change the colors using a registry export I made, or do it manually.

Registry file

The registry file is at (contents are below).

Running this registry file will create a PuTTY session called "vim desert theme prototype" for you to edit.


In your PuTTY Configuration --> Window --> Colours, Change the following values:

  • Default Background = #333333 (51, 51, 51)
  • ANSI Blue Bold = #87CEEB (135, 206, 235) (some kind of yellow)

Functions in the theme should be red. <?PHP tags and brackets should be yellow.

They both use "ANSI Magenta", so you can only choose one of the two (yellow or red; I chose yellow in the registry file).

  • ANSI Magenta = #FFDEAD (255, 222, 173) (yellow) { or #CD5C5C (205, 92, 92) (red) }
  • ANSI Cyan = #FFA0A0 (255, 160, 160)
  • ANSI Black = #4D4D4D (77, 77, 77)
  • ANSI Cyan Bold = #FFD700 (255, 215, 0)
  • Default Foreground = #FFFFFF (255, 255, 255)
  • ANSI Yellow = #F0E68C (240, 230, 140)
  • ANSI Green = #98FB98 (152, 251, 152)
  • ANSI Blue = #CD853F (205, 133, 63) (used in HIGHLIGHT)
  • ANSI White = #F5DEB3 (245, 222, 179)

PUTTY version: This was tested on PuTTY 0.58, and will probably work with other versions.

Registry file contents

Create file putty_desert.reg with the following contents:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"ProxyTelnetCommand"="connect %host %port\\n"
"LineCodePage"="ISO-8859-1:1998 (Latin-1, West Europe)"


Link to desert.vim script#105.
