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Tip 872 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created February 10, 2005 · complexity intermediate · author Bertram Scharpf · version 6.0

I have a little script making my modem dial phone numbers. As the numbers are contained in a file I edit with Vim, I call the script with:

func CPhone( ...)
  " Get phone number under cursor
  let s="[-+./()0-9 ]*"
  let nr=matchstr( getline("."), "\\s*\\zs".s."\\%".col(".")."c".s)
  let nr=substitute( nr, "\\s\\+$", "", "")
  if nr == "" && a:0 && a:1
    throw "No phone number under cursor."
  return nr

let @p=":exec \":!dial '\".CPhone(1).\"'\"\<CR>"

augroup LocalUser
  autocmd BufRead phone* nnoremap <buffer> <CR> :exec ":!dial '".CPhone(1)."'"<CR>
augroup END


This makes no sense? Does Vim dial the number?

My shell script 'dial' does that. I omitted it because writing "ATDT" sequences to '/dev/ttysS0' has nothing to do with Vim.

Roughly spoken, the script does an ":!echo -ne 'atdt,<number>;h0\r' >/dev/ttyS0", having stripped off all non-digit characters before.