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Tip 874 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created February 11, 2005 · complexity intermediate · author David Vos · version 6.0

Do you want to make a 10-line /*C-style*/ comment disappear?

You can add folding capability to C-style comments using the command:

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cpp,*.c,*.h,*.java syn region myCComment start="/\*" end="\*/" fold keepend transparent

This will work on C, .h, C++, and Java files.

The "keepend" and "transparent" commands are necessary to avoid overriding the default syntax highlighting of comments.

If you want to keep the "/*" beginning of the comment in the folded text, you can use the following function:

set foldtext=MyFoldText()
function MyFoldText()
  let line = getline(v:foldstart)
  let sub = substitute(line, '^[\t ]*', '', '')
  let nlines = v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1
  if strlen(nlines) == 1
    let nlines = " " . nlines
  elseif strlen(nlines) == 2
    let nlines = " " . nlines
  return "+-" . v:folddashes . nlines . ": " . sub

The resulting line should look about the same as the default, without removing the comments.

