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Tip: #1321 - Fold a C sharp region

Created: September 7, 2006 3:12 Complexity: basic Author: John Cena Version: n/a Karma: 16/6 Imported from: Tip#1321

How to fold the following region




with the keystroke zf% ?

Just add the following line in your cs.vim file placed in syntax folder beneath your vimruntime path.

let b:match_words = '\s*#\s*region.*$:\s*#\s*endregion

It works even if the cursor is not on the "#region" keyword.

For more help please refer to :help matchpairs



And copy the "matchit.vim" file from your macros folder to plugin folder for it to automatically load everytime a window opens. , September 7, 2006 3:16

And copy the "matchit.vim" file from your macros folder to plugin folder for it to automatically load everytime a window opens. , September 7, 2006 3:16
