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Tip 560 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created September 18, 2003 · complexity basic · author Siegfried Bublitz · version 5.7

I prefer all my calendar items to be available in one text file, which is easily handled with Vim. You can map a key to open your calendar file when using Vim.

The function Calendar() below generates the following output (extract):

----- Week 1 -----

Mo 30

Tu 31

==================== 2003 ========================================

==================== Q 1 ========================================

-------------------- Jan 2003 ----------------------------------------

We 01

Th 02

Fr 03

Sa 04

Su 05

----- Week 2 -----

Mo 06

Tu 07
function! Calendar(year, month, day, weekday, week, daycount)
  " output daycount calendar days starting from given date
  " into new buffer
  set buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile
  let year = a:year
  let month = a:month
  let day = a:day
  let wd = a:weekday
  let week = a:week
  let index = 0
  let date = ''
  let diy = 777 " day in year, wrong before next year
  while (index < a:daycount) " no of days to output
    let diy = diy + 1
    if (wd > 7)
      let wd = 1
      let week = week + 1
      if (week >= 53)
        if (week >= 54)
          let week = 1
        elseif (day >= 28 || day <= 3)
          let week = 1
    if (wd == 1) " day name
      let dn = "Mo"
    elseif (wd == 2)
      let dn = "Tu"
    elseif (wd == 3)
      let dn = "We"
    elseif (wd == 4)
      let dn = "Th"
    elseif (wd == 5)
      let dn = "Fr"
    elseif (wd == 6)
      let dn = "Sa"
    elseif (wd == 7)
      let dn = "Su"
      let dn = "** ERROR: Unknown day name ** "
    if ((day > 31) || (month == 2 && (day > 29 || day > 28 && year % 4))
          \ || (month == 4 && day > 30) || (month == 6 && day > 30)
          \ || (month == 9 && day > 30) || (month == 11 && day > 30))
      let day = 1
      let month = month + 1
      if (month > 12)
        let month = 1
        let diy = 1
        let year = year + 1
        if (wd <= 3)
          let week = 1
      if (month == 1)
        let yline = "===================="
        call append(line("$"), yline . "    " . year . "    " . yline . yline )
        call append(line("$"), yline . "    Q 1     " . yline . yline )
        let monthn = "Jan" " month name
      elseif (month == 2)
        let monthn = "Feb"
      elseif (month == 3)
        let monthn = "Mar"
      elseif (month == 4)
        let monthn = "Apr"
        call append(line("$"), yline . "    Q 2     " . yline . yline )
      elseif (month == 5)
        let monthn = "May"
      elseif (month == 6)
        let monthn = "Jun"
      elseif (month == 7)
        let monthn = "Jul"
        call append(line("$"), yline . "    Q 3     " . yline . yline )
      elseif (month == 8)
        let monthn = "Aug"
      elseif (month == 9)
        let monthn = "Sep"
      elseif (month == 10)
        let monthn = "Oct"
        call append(line("$"), yline . "    Q 4     " . yline . yline )
      elseif (month == 11)
        let monthn = "Nov"
      elseif (month == 12)
        let monthn = "Dec"
        let monthn = "** ERROR: Unknown month ** "
      let mline = "--------------------"
      call append(line("$"), mline . "  " . monthn . " " . year . "  " . mline . mline )
    if (wd == 1)
      "call append(line("$"), "----- Week " . week . " (" . diy . "..) -----")
      call append(line("$"), "----- Week " . week . " -----")
    let date = dn . " " " begin with name of day of week
    if (month < 10)
      let date = date . year . '-0' . month
      let date = date . year . '-' . month
    " skip month, year
    let date = dn . " " " not interested in year, month
    if (day < 10)
      let date = date . '0' . day
      let date = date . day
    " let date = date . " (" . diy . ")"
    call append(line("$"), date)
    let index = index + 1
    let day = day + 1
    let wd = wd + 1
map <S-F7> :call Calendar(2002, 12, 30, 1, 1, 1000)<CR><CR>
" Dec 30, 2003 is Monday (day 1 in week), week 1 in 2003

Put the above code in your vimrc and call the function, here it is shown with entries for 1000 days. Of course, if you do not use correct arguments matching an existing day, all output will be mess.


The computation of the leap years is a little careless; the code will regard year 2100 as a leapyear, which it is not.

Maybe it is better to substitute the code part

if ((day > 31) || (month == 2 && (day > 29 || day > 28 && year % 4))
\ || (month == 4 && day > 30) || (month == 6 && day > 30)
\ || (month == 9 && day > 30) || (month == 11 && day > 30))

with this

if ((day > 31) || (day > 30 &&
\ (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11))
\ || (month == 2 &&
\ (day > 29 || (day > 28 && (year%4 || (!(year%100) && year%400))))))

but you have more than 90 years time to do this.

If you want to go to the current day with one keystroke, you can do the following.

Assuming the calendar is contained in a file pointed to by the global variable cal and the formatting of month and days is as generated, this should work by just pressing Shift-F4:

function! Today()
  let calfile = g:cal
  if (bufnr(calfile) > 0)
  exe ":bu " . bufnr(calfile)
  exe "edit " . calfile
  let a = search("- " . strftime("%b %Y") . " -", "w")
  let a = search("^.. " . strftime("%d"), "w")
map <S-F4> :call Today()<CR>
