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Tip: #465 - Generic xml imap to make an element of any word you type

Created: April 29, 2003 12:05 Complexity: basic Author: Bart van Deenen Version: 5.7 Karma: 151/46 Imported from: Tip#465

Hi all.

We're doing a lot of xml work, in docbook and custom xml files.

I'd just like to share one macro I've developed, that I really can't live without.

imap ,,, <esc>bdwa<<esc>pa><cr></<esc>pa><esc>kA

If in isert mode I type programlisting,,,

the text immediately get's modified to



with the cursor in between, still in Insert mode.

The same happens with any other word i type followed by three commas.



It saves me a lot of work, and I'd like to share it. Hope you can use it

Bart van Deenen. (


please share any other mappings you like! That one is quite nice!

gmann , April 29, 2003 18:46

Chris Lear had a small modification, which allows the same imap to be used with namespaced elements (such as used all the time in xsl).

just change the b in B and the w in W, and the imap will go over the colon in the namespace. , April 30, 2003 3:05

Is it possible to modify this map, so the indentation will be kept. So


results in




It would also be nice, if it was possible to detect if the line already contains non-whitespace so

this is a bold,,,bold<esc>f> test

resulted in

this is a <bold>bold</bold> test , April 30, 2003 7:26

Your question about indenting is easily fulfilled by :set ai which sets auto indenting.

The other one is really intriguing, and I'll have a go at it, because that would indeed be helpfull

Bart van Deenen , April 30, 2003 12:33


I improved my imap with a function (my first in vim) (can probably be done in a one-liner :)

Put the following in xml.vim in your ftplugin directory, our source it in your .vimrc. The ^] and ^M are entered via <CTRL-V><esc> and <CTRL-V><CR>

function! Make_element()

"function to make an xml element at the current cursor position out of the 
"contents of the just deleted unnamed register " 
"Bart van Deenen 
if match(getline('.'),'^\s*'.--AT--".'\s*$') == -1 
"the deleted word was not alone on the line 
let --AT--w = "i<^[ea></^[pa>^[F<i" 
else "the deleted word was on it's own on the line 
let --AT--w = "i<^[ea>^M</^[pa>^[kA" endif 


"include colon(58) for namespaces in xsl for instance set iskeyword=--AT--,48-57,_,192-255,58

imap <buffer> ,,, <Esc>bye:call Make_element()<enter>--AT--w

It seems to do the job with me.

Thanks for the question, I learned something from finding the answer

Bart van Deenen

bart ot vandeenensupport point com , May 1, 2003 8:31


it's probably better to use :setlocal iskeyword than :set


bart van deenen , May 1, 2003 10:41

Just a quick note, instead of setting the "iskeyword" like that, you can use

set iskeyword+=:

to add the colon to the list of characters/ranges, this way you won't break anything else if it depends on specific settings of iskeyword.


help set+=

:help set-=

help set<CTRL-D>

arnarb at oddi dot is , May 1, 2003 10:45

Nice.. that four minute difference between my comment and the one before that one was about the time it took me to write it :o) Hence.. I didn't see it until after I posted.

arnarb at oddi dot is , May 1, 2003 10:47

Hi all

I uploaded this as [/scripts/script.php?script_id=632 vimscript #632].

Happy vimming!


bart , May 1, 2003 11:11

This tip is great, but it does not work if the word is only one character long, like "a" in html. If I type a,,, the result is: < a></>

What is going wrong?

Andr� , October 6, 2003 6:00


If you install VimTip583 (Vim as XML Editor).

Have fun, Tobi

tobiasreif pinkjuice com , October 13, 2003 3:30

Andr� wrote:

This tip is great, but it does not work if the word is only one character long, like "a" in html. If I type a,,, the result is: < a></>

It has to do with a part of the script where I use bye to go to the beginning of the word (a in your case), and yank the word into a buffer. Unfortunately the 'b' command skips over the start of the 'a' word, so you end up with garbage.

I don't have a fix yet, but if I find one, I'll post it. Somebody else?

Bart (the author of the tip)

P.S. sorry for the late answer, I was on honeymoon :-)

Anonymous , November 29, 2003 4:48

This fixes the case where you have only one (or more) character(s):


Results in:


inoremap ,,, <esc>diwi<<esc>pa><cr></<esc>pa><esc>kA

David Fishburn , December 9, 2004 12:05

I've added version 1.1 of [/scripts/script.php?script_id=632 vimscript#632] which correctly handles single character xml elements. I'm ill in bed today, that helps in finding the time for these kinds of fun things.

happy vimming


Anonymous , February 6, 2005 4:48
