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(remove author attribution)
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Go to the line and do <tt>\h</tt> or <tt>\H</tt> to check it out.
Go to the line and do <tt>\h</tt> or <tt>\H</tt> to check it out.
==ruby version of HTMLEncode()==
''Note: Vim needs to be compiled with the "ruby" feature enabled for this to work''
The following is a simpler ruby solution to the perl version of HTMLEncode above.
function! HTMLEncode()
ruby << EOF
VIM::Buffer.current.line=@str.unpack("U*").collect {|s| (s > 127 ? "&##{s};" : s.chr) }.join("")
map <Leader>h :call HTMLEncode()<CR>
==Language specific HTML-entities==
==Language specific HTML-entities==

Revision as of 20:26, 21 March 2012

Tip 1005 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2005 · complexity basic · author Jos van den Oever · version 6.0

There are several ways to deal with HTML entities.

Simple search & replace

This code allows you to escape your HTML entities with one shortcut key: Change (<, >, &) to (&lt;, &gt;, &amp;), or the reverse.

Note that this does not escape all characters that should be escaped, just the most common.

function HtmlEscape()
  silent s/&/\&amp;/eg
  silent s/</\&lt;/eg
  silent s/>/\&gt;/eg

function HtmlUnEscape()
  silent s/&lt;/</eg
  silent s/&gt;/>/eg
  silent s/&amp;/\&/eg

map <silent> <c-h> :call HtmlEscape()<CR>
map <silent> <c-u> :call HtmlUnEscape()<CR>

If you add this code to your vimrc, you can escape visually-selected HTML with ctrl-h, and unescape with ctrl-u.

Automagic escaping

There's also script that does this for you automagically when you read and write files, so you can view the characters, and write the codes, or vice versa: script#909.

Originally written for Java unicodes, but there is also a setting for html codes.

The script is for &nnn style encoding, not the html entities.

perl HTML::Entities

Note: Vim needs to compiled with the "perl" feature enabled for this to work

A slightly more complex solution that escape all characters is using perl, you will need perl and HTML-Parser

function! HTMLEncode()
perl << EOF
 use HTML::Entities;
 @pos = $curwin->Cursor();
 $line = $curbuf->Get($pos[0]);
 $encvalue = encode_entities($line);

function! HTMLDecode()
perl << EOF
 use HTML::Entities;
 @pos = $curwin->Cursor();
 $line = $curbuf->Get($pos[0]);
 $encvalue = decode_entities($line);

map <Leader>h :call HTMLEncode()<CR>
map <Leader>H :call HTMLDecode()<CR>

Go to the line and do \h or \H to check it out.

ruby version of HTMLEncode()

Note: Vim needs to be compiled with the "ruby" feature enabled for this to work

The following is a simpler ruby solution to the perl version of HTMLEncode above.

function! HTMLEncode()                                                                              
ruby << EOF                                                                                         
  VIM::Buffer.current.line=@str.unpack("U*").collect {|s| (s > 127 ? "&##{s};" : s.chr) }.join("")  

map <Leader>h :call HTMLEncode()<CR>

Language specific HTML-entities

To change e.g. the Norwegian special characters there is no need to select text and not check all the text since it is never part of code-syntax (as far as I know). With the following, pressing ",r" from normal-mode will check all the text and replace all three Norwegian special chars with entities (and can easily be applied to other languages):

" To replace all Norwegian special chars with entities.
nmap <silent> ,r :call ReplaceNorChar()<CR>
function! ReplaceNorChar()
	silent! %s/Æ/\&AElig;/eg
	silent! %s/Ø/\&Oslash;/eg
	silent! %s/Å/\&Aring;/eg
	silent! %s/æ/\&aelig;/eg
	silent! %s/ø/\&oslash;/eg
	silent! %s/å/\&aring;/eg

Add it to your ~/.vimrc or ~/.vim/ftplugin/html.vim.


Can check it with:

.! php -r "echo htmlentities('<cword>');"

command Entities :call Entities()
function Entities()
  silent s/À/\&Agrave;/eg
  silent s/Á/\&Aacute;/eg
  silent s/Â/\&Acirc;/eg
  silent s/Ã/\&Atilde;/eg
  silent s/Ä/\&Auml;/eg
  silent s/Å/\&Aring;/eg
  silent s/Æ/\&AElig;/eg
  silent s/Ç/\&Ccedil;/eg
  silent s/È/\&Egrave;/eg
  silent s/É/\&Eacute;/eg
  silent s/Ê/\&Ecirc;/eg
  silent s/Ë/\&Euml;/eg
  silent s/Ì/\&Igrave;/eg
  silent s/Í/\&Iacute;/eg
  silent s/Î/\&Icirc;/eg
  silent s/Ï/\&Iuml;/eg
  silent s/Ð/\&ETH;/eg
  silent s/Ñ/\&Ntilde;/eg
  silent s/Ò/\&Ograve;/eg
  silent s/Ó/\&Oacute;/eg
  silent s/Ô/\&Ocirc;/eg
  silent s/Õ/\&Otilde;/eg
  silent s/Ö/\&Ouml;/eg
  silent s/Ø/\&Oslash;/eg
  silent s/Ù/\&Ugrave;/eg
  silent s/Ú/\&Uacute;/eg
  silent s/Û/\&Ucirc;/eg
  silent s/Ü/\&Uuml;/eg
  silent s/Ý/\&Yacute;/eg
  silent s/Þ/\&THORN;/eg
  silent s/ß/\&szlig;/eg
  silent s/à/\&agrave;/eg
  silent s/á/\&aacute;/eg
  silent s/â/\&acirc;/eg
  silent s/ã/\&atilde;/eg
  silent s/ä/\&auml;/eg
  silent s/å/\&aring;/eg
  silent s/æ/\&aelig;/eg
  silent s/ç/\&ccedil;/eg
  silent s/è/\&egrave;/eg
  silent s/é/\&eacute;/eg
  silent s/ê/\&ecirc;/eg
  silent s/ë/\&euml;/eg
  silent s/ì/\&igrave;/eg
  silent s/í/\&iacute;/eg
  silent s/î/\&icirc;/eg
  silent s/ï/\&iuml;/eg
  silent s/ð/\&eth;/eg
  silent s/ñ/\&ntilde;/eg
  silent s/ò/\&ograve;/eg
  silent s/ó/\&oacute;/eg
  silent s/ô/\&ocirc;/eg
  silent s/õ/\&otilde;/eg
  silent s/ö/\&ouml;/eg
  silent s/ø/\&oslash;/eg
  silent s/ù/\&ugrave;/eg
  silent s/ú/\&uacute;/eg
  silent s/û/\&ucirc;/eg
  silent s/ü/\&uuml;/eg
  silent s/ý/\&yacute;/eg
  silent s/þ/\&thorn;/eg
  silent s/ÿ/\&yuml;/eg

--Preceding unsigned comment added by 11:11, July 23, 2010

I formatted the above. What was the dot doing in s./old/new/eg? Is the dot supposed to be before the s (the current line)? If so, it is redundant because the default is the current line. I removed the dot from each command. JohnBeckett 12:07, July 23, 2010 (UTC)

very well done, thank you