Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 1664 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2010 · complexity basic · author Rvco · version 7.0

When editing HTML documents containing images, you need to find out both the width and the length of each image and then feed every <img> tag. Just use perl by adding what follows into your vimrc file. When you hit F4, vim will get the image name and path mentioned in the "src" field of the <img> tag and will use perl to do this job for you.

Copy and insert image size into html code by pressing a key[]

First step is to make sure you have Perl installed and the Perl module Image::Size. Then all you need is to add this to your vimrc.

" Get image size with F4 with perl Image::Size module.
function! PerlImageSize()
  normal $
  normal N
  normal 2w
  perl << EOF
  use Image::Size;
  $jo = VIM::Eval("expand('<cfile>')");
  $size = Image::Size::html_imgsize("$jo");
  VIM::Eval("setreg('a', '$size')");
  normal $
  normal "ap
nnoremap <F4> :call PerlImageSize()<CR>



  • Another mysterious tip. What image? What does it do? What is the $ N 2w stuff?
  • An example is needed because clearly the author has something in mind, and there is no need to perplex each reader of the tip.
  • What is the g/src?
  • The consecutive lines using normal can be combined to one.
  • Check that the standard indenting I applied to the function does not break the Perl code.

JohnBeckett aka JohnBot 08:21, September 20, 2010 (UTC)

I think it's any image included in html with an <img> tag. But the tip obviously assumes some things about what has already been entered into the text and the formatting. These assumptions should be eliminated or documented. --Fritzophrenic 20:34, May 31, 2011 (UTC)