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Tip: #466 - Insert one character only

Created: April 30, 2003 10:10 Complexity: basic Author: johnmaxa Version: 5.7 Karma: 105/49 Imported from: Tip#466

I have not yet seen this idea yet. But early in my use and love of Vim, I got frustrated in command mode when I wanted to insert just one character of text. So I put this in _vimrc:

"insert one character

noremap <somekey> i<Space><Esc>r

I think it has been one of the most time saving mappings -- and I have remapped most of my keyboard.


Huhn, I've wanted this feature for years -- and expected it would take source modifications to make it happen. Such a simple little script. Thanks!

Anonymous , May 23, 2004 23:34

This won't be repeated by the . command.

Therefore I define

nnoremap <somekey> :exec "normal i".nr2char(getchar())."\e"<cr> nnoremap <someother> :exec "normal a".nr2char(getchar())."\e"<cr>


Bertram Scharpf , March 22, 2005 6:39
