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Tip 525 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2003 · complexity intermediate · author Lech Ambrzykowski · version 6.0

This one helps creating beans. Nothing serious actually, but might come in handy.

nnoremap <buffer> <silent>dc :call <SID>AddBean()<CR>
function! s:AddBean()
  let line = line('.')
  let name = inputdialog('Enter the name of the variable: ')
  let type = inputdialog('Enter the type of the variable: ')
  let upperName = substitute(name, '^\(\w\)\(.*\)$', '\u\1\2', '')
  call append(line, "\t}")
  call append(line, "\t\tthis.".name." = ".name.";")
  call append(line, "\tpublic void set".upperName."(".type." ".name.") {")
  call append(line, "")
  call append(line, "\t}")
  call append(line, "\t\treturn (this.".name.");")
  call append(line, "\tpublic ".type." get"."".upperName."() { ")
  call append(line, "")
  call append(line, "\tprivate ".type." ".name.";")
  call append(line, "\t//".name)
  return line


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It's fairly generic but i use it to chug thru a list of values and apply those to a code-template. it lends itself to setters & getters.
