Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 88 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2001 · complexity basic · author Leif Wickland · version 6.0

To set the initial size of the Vim window

Place the following in your vimrc to control the initial size of the Vim or gvim window (change the numbers to what you need):

set lines=50 columns=100

Here is a more sophisticated version:

if has("gui_running")
  " GUI is running or is about to start.
  " Maximize gvim window.
  set lines=999 columns=999
  " This is console Vim.
  if exists("+lines")
    set lines=50
  if exists("+columns")
    set columns=100

On Linux/bsd's terminal, this is done automatically. If you want to set initial size of gvim, you can put "set lines=N columns=N" in .gvimrc

To maximize the initial Vim window under Windows

Using simalt command

Put the following in your vimrc to maximize Vim on startup (from :help win16-maximized):

au GUIEnter * simalt ~x "x on an English Windows version. n on a French one

Using Maximize.dll plugin

There is also a plugin with a DLL to maximize/restore the Vim window: maximize.dll : Maximizing plugin for Win32 gVim.

Using Nircmd

Nircmd is a small tool from Nirsoft that can be used to automate various aspects of Windows environment. You can use it to start application maximized or maximize running application window:

nircmd.exe exec max "C:\Program Files (x86)\vim\vim74\gvim.exe"

or as PowerShell function that accepts file argument

function gvim($file){ 
    start nircmd.exe "exec max ""C:\Program Files (x86)\vim\vim74\gvim.exe"" $file" 

To maximize the initial Vim window under Sawfish

You can configure Sawfish to automatically maximize gvim on startup:

  • Run "sawfish-ui".
  • Select "matched windows", "Add...".
  • In "macthers" select "Class".
  • "Grab..." and click the Gvim window.
  • Select the "Maximized" checkbox and click "OK".


TODO Following are related tips. Should merge some of these.

In Windows, you can change the Properties of the shortcut to start Vim, for example:

cmd /c start /max "C:\Program Files\vim\vim71\gvim.exe"

There is a :winsize command, but it is deprecated (see :help winsize).
