Vim Tips Wiki

MCCB - Move the Character to the Column from the Begin of line This is a function for Moving the specified Character in a given range of lines to a the specified Column from the Begin of the line

NOTE 1 :- If the specified character and the first character of the line are same then the number of Occurrence (num_occr) will be one less than the actual

NOTE 2 :- Maximum space between the specified character with in the range of lines should be less than or equal to 80, if we need more than 80 then we need to insert more spaces by increasing the value 80 in the "nmap s 80i <ESC>" line inside the function

Usage :- in command mode do it like below

Eg 1:- :5,11call MCCB(1, '=', 8)

The above command will move the 1st Occurrence from the begin of Character = to the 8th Column of the lines from 5 to 11

Eg 2 :- :7,10call MCCB(2, '+', 12)

The above command will move the 2nd Occurrence of Character = to the 12th Column of the lines from 7 to 10

   function! MCCB (num_occr, mv_char, col_num) range
       if (a:firstline <= a:lastline)
           nmap s 80i <ESC>
           let line_num = a:firstline
           while line_num <= a:lastline
               execute "normal " . line_num . "G0" . a:num_occr . "f" . a:mv_char . "s" . a:col_num . "|dw"
               let line_num = line_num + 1
           nunmap s
           execute printf('ERROR : Start line %d is higher thatn End line %d, a:firstline, a:lastline)

MCCE - Move the Character to the Column from the End of line This is a function for Moving the specified Character in a given range of lines to a the specified Column from the End of the line

NOTE 1 :- If the specified character and the last character of the line are same then the number of Occurrence (num_occr) will be one less than the actual

NOTE 2 :- Maximum space between the specified character with in the range of lines should be less than or equal to 80, if we need more than 80 then we need to insert more spaces by increasing the value 80 in the "nmap s 80i <ESC>" line inside the function

Usage :- in command mode do it like below

Eg 1:- :5,11call MCCE(1, ';', 20)

The above command will move the 1st Occurrence from the End of Character ; to the 20th Column of the lines from 5 to 11

Eg 2 :- :7,10call MCCE(5, 'i', 26)

The above command will move the 5th Occurrence from the End of Character i to the 26th Column of the lines from 7 to 10

function! MCCE (num_occr, mv_char, col_num) range
       if (a:firstline <= a:lastline)
           nmap s 80i <ESC>
           let line_num = a:firstline
           while line_num <= a:lastline
               execute "normal " . line_num . "G$" . a:num_occr . "F" . a:mv_char . "s" . a:col_num . "|dw"
               let line_num = line_num + 1
           nunmap s
           execute printf('ERROR : Start line %d is higher thatn End line %d, a:firstline, a:lastline)