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Tip: #945 - Run Vim command on current C/C++/Java function

Created: June 5, 2005 12:10 Complexity: basic Author: Lorenz Wegener Version: 5.7 Karma: 4/6 Imported from: Tip#945

It is often useful to restrict the range of commands like s or g to the function one is editing currently. For C/C++ and java

cmap ;tf ?^{??(?,/^}/

maps the keystrokes ;tf (_t_his _f_unction) to the range of the function in which the cursor is currently located. It works by searching backwards for a { occurring in the first column, and then for a ( to find the start of the function. A } in the first column ends the function body.

For example, you want to change the name of a function argument in the current function from i to ii:

int foo(int i,

int j) 


// ... 
return i; 


Type <esc>:;tf followed by the subsitution command s/\<i\>/ii/g. The command line now reads:


Press <cr> to execute and observe the change:

int foo(int ii,

int j) 


// ... 
return ii; 


The range can be used with other commands too.

This tip assumes that:

- your source code is indented, so that curly braces on the first column always open or close a function body

- a function name is followed by a (. This is true in c, mostly true in c++ and java, and true to a limited extend in perl.

This tip does not work for constructor definitions in c++ and java, since they can contain many parentheses:

Foo(int bar, int baz):




I don't know a lot of people that actually put braces on the FIRST column in Java... except for the class.

Anonymous , June 13, 2005 11:15
