Vim Tips Wiki

ldap.vim searches a ldap-directory for a username. If the user is found, the script returns the full name of the user along with an e-mail address to vim.

If no match is found, the script returns the string "NF".

The script uses the following default settings that you might want to change:

  • Scope: subtree
  • Searchstring: "mailNickname=%s*"
  • Field that contains full name: "name"
  • Field that contains mail address: "mail"


Fieldnames may vary in different LDAP-implementations. Therefore, you might not get the search result you expected. The easiest way to fix this is to manually search your LDAP-directory with a tool, and then configure the script with the correct fieldnames.

If you don't have a favorite LDAP-search tool, open python and replicate the open connection and login statements from the script.


