Vim Tips Wiki

Use this page to discuss script 2754 2754

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  • This page may be out of date: check the script's page above, and its release notes.

The delimitMate plugin tries to provide some not so dumb help in the work with delimiters (brackets, quotes, etc.), with some optional auto-balancing and expansions. It's highly customizable and supports FileType autocmd events. Check the script's page for more info.

Leave your comments, suggestions or report any issues below.

--Raimondi 20:38, March 5, 2010 (UTC)


See also Automatically append closing characters

Hi. After the closing delimiter gets inserted, and the cursor is placed in the middle of the pair, you can't seem to move the cursor backwards (using the left arrow) over the inserted text and if you try moving it to the right, it inserts the closing delimiter again. Works fine if you leave and reenter insert mode. Tried it with auto-close both on and off and got the same behavior.

I think I fixed the bug, if you want to test it, download the source files from the following link: