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Use this page to discuss script 2981 2981

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Nice work, but wouldn't something like this be easier?

let zen_profile='...'
let zen_abbr=extract_zen_code_from_current_line()

python import vim
python import zencoding.zen_core as zen
exec 'python zen_xtags=zen.parse_into_tree(r"""' . zen_abbr . '""", "' . &ft . '")'
exec 'python zen_string=zen_xtags.to_string("' . zen_profile . '")'
python vim.command("let zen_result='" + zen_string + "'")

" fix indentation and insert at cursor, replacing the zen_abbr
call insert_text_into_buffer(zen_result)


It require python or python interp.



- Not if you are on windoze and don't have python :-( - You can easily add abbreviations for you own language

I needed to add these to the vim_rc to get it working.

let g:user_zen_expandabbr_key = '<c-e>'
let g:use_zen_complete_tag = 1

Change your laguage using

set filetype=css
set filetype=html

Love it thanks !


or quick way to get this working on html related template files is to modify the zen_get_filetype function (as of 0.22) function! s:zen_get_filetype() if type == 'htmldjango' | let type = 'html' | endif if type == 'html.django_template' | let type = 'html' | endif

Great work
