Vim Tips Wiki

Use this page to discuss script 3087 3087

  • Add constructive comments, bug reports, or discuss improvements (see the guideline).
  • Do not document the script here (the author should do that on
  • This page may be out of date: check the script's page above, and its release notes.

New Feature Requests

1. Be able to spawn a new instance of Vim instead of using one already running (Gareth Oakes)

  • Added to OutlookVim 3.0

2. Auto-quote an email for response (Gareth Oakes)

  • OutlookVim sets the filetype of the email to Vim's "mail". This allows you to use any of the standard Vim mechanisms to customize the emails. One of the mail ftplugins available on I use to perform this type of block quoting and unquoting is:

3. Open emails in a specified Vim instance (Zsolt Botykai)

  • Added to OutlookVim 4.0

4. Open each email in a separate tab (Zsolt Botykai)

  • Added to OutlookVim 4.0

5. An update for Outlook 2010 (T.H.) [Ver5.0 is working fine on Vim 7.3 + Outlook 2010 + Win 7(64bit), except (i) all messages opened by Vim are kept in the draft folder (including sent messages), and (ii) the opened Vim window does not come to the foreground (but, this problem disappears once the Visual Basic script file is opened in the VB even without saving the file.]

Bug Reports

Please always include your patch level of Vim (7.2.411) and operating system

Please always include the version of OutlookVim

  • Vim 7.2.411, OutlookVim 2.0 (Botykai Zsolt)

Message Box reports: Could not create email file [\] Object required

  • Fixed in OutlookVim 3.0
  • Added a trouble shooting section to the Help, :h outlook-troubleshooting