Vim Tips Wiki

This is a list of all pages on this wiki with comments on a script.

Please do not edit this page because it is generated by a script, and any edits would be lost. This page was last updated on June 17, 2010.

See the Script comment guidelines for more information and for links to list and search all script pages.

Script Description
40 DrawIt: Ascii drawing plugin: lines, ellipses, arrows, fills, and more
159 minibufexpl: buffer explorer taking very little screen space
167 perforce: Perforce source control features
273 taglist: source code browser (supports C/C++, Java, Perl, Python and more)
301 xmledit: A filetype plugin to help edit XML, HTML, and SGML documents
309 CSV delimited field jumper: map keys to easily jump to fields in CSV files
356 dbext - Database access from within Vim
467 emodeline: set file type from emacs -*- modelines -*-
512 Printer Dialog: set print options via dialog
540 apdl: syntax highlighting for ANSYS APDL files
556 perl-support: Perl IDE to write and run Perl scripts using menus and hotkeys
725 wiki: syntax file for wikis
731 xmidas.vim: syntax highlighting for the X-Midas language
789 set_utf8.vim
858 LocateOpen: open files without having to supply a path
864 visual_studio: Vim and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET integration
877 GVColors: display X Window colors
926 russian-phonetic_utf-8.vim
1114 pmd: integrate PMD using quickfix mode
1234 YankRing
1238 Mark
1291 luarefvim: Lua reference manual
1343 AutoTag: update entries in tags file automatically when saving
1522 WinWalker: Vim 7 windows navigator/manager
1528 comments: comment/un-comment source code
1567 rails: Ruby on Rails: easy file navigation, enhanced syntax highlighting, and more
1571 php: PHP syntax
1642 zzsplash
1785 javacomplete: omni completion for Java
1839 IndentAnything: write indentations or enhance existing indentations without writing code
1849 AutoClose: insert matching bracket, paren, brace or quote
1879 AutoComplPop: Automatically open popup menu for completions
1886 nginx: highlight configuration files for nginx web server
1890 LustyExplorer: Dynamic filesystem and buffer explorer
1950 VimExplorer: File Manager within Vim
2150 css_color: CSS color preview
2179 srcexpl: source code explorer based on tags works like context window in Source Insight
2204 TwitVim: Twitter client for Vim
2252 publish: publish hyperlinked, syntax highlighted source code with Vim
2298 codepad: Post current buffer to
2429 autocorrect: correct common typos and misspellings as you type
2441 pyflakes: on-the-fly Python code checking
2496 Changed: Displays signs on changed lines
2506 VimIM: Vim Input Method – Vim 中文输入法
2518 WOIM outliner plugin
2519 dpaste: send your buffer or selection to
2540 snipMate: TextMate-style snippets
2606 vimuiex: Vim UI extensions
2611 xptemplate: snippet template engine
2620 neocomplcache: ultimate auto completion system
2646 Ctags highlighting: highlight typedefs, enumerations etc (based on ctags)
2649 PBASIC syntax file
2662 ywvim: another input method
2723 math: math keymap and a menu for inserting math symbols
2754 delimitMate: auto-balancing and expansions for parens, quotes, etc
2771 Conque shell: run interactive commands inside a Vim buffer
2775 logpad.vim: emulate Notepad's logging functionality
2776 vilight: A more literal translation of the gedit Twilight color scheme
2787 MeltVim: Plugin for Melt files
2845 ywchaos: journal taking and diary making
2894 vikitasks: search viki files for tasks and display them in a list
2899 TxtBrowser: Browse plain text easily (show title tags and syntax highlight)
2918 SpitVspit: multiple files splitting
2945 AutomaticTexPlugin: automatically process tex files; extended bib search; more
2949 buflist: A playground to see how much we can do with pithy code
2977 underwater: color scheme with dark blue theme
2981 ZenCoding: HTML and CSS hi-speed coding
2996 TranslateEnToCn: translate English to Chinese
3002 tag_in_new_tab: open tag in new tab
3003 indent/python: yet another Python indentation script
3026 PickAColor.vim : Inserts and edits color codes using a color name or a Mac or GTk color chooser.
3039 vimgdb: Emacs-like gdb interface to cterm Vim
3048 vicom : Intelligent Line Commenter
3049 acomment: Smart Comments Plugin
3066 repeater: repeat an item {n} times
3083 Pull jokes from Chinese-language website
3087 OutlookVim
3088 GetFile: select and open a file by typing part of its path
3089 vimtl: handle todo lists
3100 nevfn: dark colorscheme based on desert
3103 tony_light: another light color scheme
3105 legiblelight: another light color scheme, easier on eyes