Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 67 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created May 7, 2001 · complexity intermediate · author Erhan · version 5.7

You can learn the ASCII or Unicode value of the character under the cursor by pressing ga in command mode or :as / :ascii on the command line . This displays the value of the current character in decimal, hex and octal. (Think "get ascii.")

Seeing ASCII/Unicode values in the status line

You can also add options to the statusline option to show the ASCII/Unicode value of the character under the cursor.

:set statusline=%<%f%h%m%r%=%b\ 0x%B\ \ %l,%c%V\ %P

It's the %b\ 0x%B that does the trick. Note that you may need to :set laststatus=2 so that the status line is visible in with only one window showing.

Related Scripts

  • The characterize plugin overrides the ga command to provide even more useful information for Unicode characters, such as any digraphs Vim has defined to enter the character.
  • The unicode plugin also provides additional information for any character without overriding the ga normal command. It provides the :UnicodeName command, that displays the official Unicode name for any character as well as defined digraphs. This also works correctly for combined chars.


