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Tip 912 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2005 · complexity basic · version 6.0

I love the abbreviations in Vim, but sometimes, especially when writing Strings there might be a small Problem: words in the Strings matching my keywords are expanded.

Here are some small snippets, which helped me dealing with keywords in Strings.

First off all the functions. JAVA_EatChar is taken from the vim helpfiles and removes the character trigering the expansion. JAVA_insert_p is a predicate which checks whether we are typing a String or not.

JAVA_replace executes name or repl:

  • name is a short String being executed, if you are in a String.
  • repl is to be executed, when you want your expansion.
func! JAVA_EatChar(pat)
  let c=nr2char(getchar())
  return (c =~ a:pat) ? '' : c

func! JAVA_insert_p()
  exec "normal i \e"
  let modeVal=synIDattr( synIDtrans( synID(line("."), col("."), 0)), "name")
  return modeVal!=?"Constant" && modeVal!=?"Comment"

func! JAVA_replace(name, repl)
  if JAVA_insert_p()
    exec a:repl
    return ""
    exec a:name
    return " "

Here are some mappings:

iabbrev <silent> <buffer> for for<C-R>=JAVA_replace("", "normal i(){\n}\ekf(\el")<CR><C-R>=JAVA_EatChar('\s')<CR>
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> fori for(int i=0;;i++){<CR>}<Esc>k^f;a<C-R>=JAVA_EatChar('\s')<CR>
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> forint for(int){<CR>}<Esc>kf)i
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> foriti for(Iterator i=;i.hasNext();){<CR>}<Esc>kf=a<C-R>=JAVA_EatChar('\s')<CR>
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> forit for(Iterator){<CR>}<Esc>kf)i
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> while while<C-R>=JAVA_replace("", "normal i(){\n}\ekf(\el")<CR><C-R>=JAVA_EatChar('\s')<CR>
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> sysout <C-R>=JAVA_replace("normal isysout", "normal iSystem.out.println();\eF)")<CR><C-R>=JAVA_EatChar('\s')<CR>
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> syserr <C-R>=JAVA_replace("normal isyserr", "normal iSystem.err.println();\eF)")<CR><C-R>=JAVA_EatChar('\s')<CR>
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> privfun private(){<CR>}<Esc>kf(i
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> pubfun public(){<CR>}<Esc>kf(i
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> profun protected(){<CR>}<Esc>kf(i
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> tryc try{<CR>}catch(){}<Esc>F)i<C-R>=JAVA_EatChar('\s')<CR>
iabbrev <silent> <buffer> trya try{<CR>}catch(Exception e){}<Esc>O<C-R>=JAVA_EatChar('\s')<CR>

I'm using JAVA_replace for for while sysout syserr, but not for others, for example fori forint.

This is very important, because if you define e.g. fori with JAVA_replace the expansion will be executed with "exec" which will call the abbreviation for "for", thus unfortunatelly defining abbreviation for keywords which extend other keywords will become some kind of tricky.

But since the functions don't do any syntax checking by themself, it won't be difficult to apply them to any other language.


Abbreviations have been obsoleted by completion from dictionaries and tags in Vim. Then map <Tab> to do completion.

That way nothing to remember, and your abbreviations are dynamic (nothing static to remember).

I'm sure abbreviations have NOT been rendered obsolete -- they are a great aid for autocorrection and macros; it's nice to be able to type 'sunita' and have it automatically capitalize it to 'Sunita' without having to do any extra work. Similarly:

iab mdy <c-r>=strftime("%B %d, %Y")<CR>

Inserts the current date (for example, "April 15, 2005") and is great for timestamp purposes.

Forgive the slightly tangential response, but this isn't the first time I've had the dubious privilege of seeing someone's submissions hacked to pieces by Sunita.

I think abbreviations that only trigger when one isn't in a string are very cool. The only thing I would suggest is to make a custom ISafeAbbrev command or something that takes a <lhs> and a <rhs> and executes the entire iabbrev with JAVA_replace etc, allowing the user to simply call it with the <lhs> and the two <rhs> (one for string mode, one for not) or some such.

The problem with completion using dictionaries or tabs is, that they only expand to words, whereas using abbreviation you can map something like "for" to be expanded as:

for (){

in finally set the cursor in the parenthesis or "foriti" will expand to:

for(Iterator i=;i.hasNext();){

and place the cursor directly after "=".

This works, cause you can use any keymappings to abbreviations like <Esc>.

This way you can even map the word "write" in input mode to the command ":w" and remove the word "write" (being done automatically)

Can you do something like this with dictionaries?

I agree, for completion of other keywords, functions, using dictionaries and tags is very smart too, but you can't easily map whole code blocks to em.

If you are interested in more advanced (and definitely more complex when you look at the internals) smart-abbreviations, you may have a look at what I have done in my C&C++ ftplugins (script#336). All the functions used to provide the abbreviations and mappings are available on their own in a set of standalone (API) plugins (script#50).

The C-ftplugin part should be usable in Java, and a portion of the C++ part is easily adaptable to Java.

I have to agree that dictionaries are not enough.
