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Tip: #1173 - Spelling suggestions anywhere, even in console mode

Created: March 16, 2006 2:50 Complexity: intermediate Author: Ben Staniford Version: 5.7 Karma: 12/5 Imported from: Tip#1173

A little while ago, I tried out all the spelling plug-ins for vim because

I was doing a bit of a project and needed to make sure it was all

beautifully spelled. One function that I found really lacking in the

various spelling plug-ins was the ability to make suggestions on the

current word. Some of them allowed this facility but there were

restrictions, such as only being able to use it in graphical mode and only being

able to use it on certain types of files. I wanted something that would

work anywhere, whether in some code, in a text doc and that would work

in console mode. I also wanted to see how easily I could in-line some

perl into a vim script to perform some function on it. The answer to

that was that it's not impossible, but it's a bit ugly!

Anyway, here's the function I created. I use it all the time now so I

hope you get some use out of it too.

" F7 Will give some spelling suggestions for the current word in any mode

nmap <F7> \ss

vmap <F7> <C-C> \ss

omap <F7> \ss

map! <F7> <C-C> \ss

noremap <silent> \ss :call SuggestWord()<return>

"Make some spelling suggestions for the current word, and allow you to change it for the word you prefer

"Requires ispell and perl

"By Ben Staniford:

function! SuggestWord ()

let rw = tempname() 
let oldspelling = expand("<cword>") 

"Run ispell on the word under the cursor and prompt us for a choice, then save it to a temp file 
exe '!echo -n '.oldspelling.'if($m\!=1){print "No Suggestions\n"}'."\x27" 

"If the user selected a word and it was saved, read it now 
if filereadable(rw) 
exe 'read ! cat '.rw 
exe "normal \"adw" 
exe "normal ddk" 
exe "normal /".oldspelling."\<CR>" 
exe "normal cw" 
"Print the word slightly differently if we're at the beginning of a line 
if (wincol() == 1) 
exe "normal \"aP" 
exe "normal \"ap" 

endfunction "SuggestWord()



I'll suggest use vim7. Its spell checking feature rocks.

Anonymous , March 17, 2006 9:02

Here's a version that does not require Perl:


nnoremap <silent><F2> :cal SpellSuggest()<CR>

function! SpellSuggest()

let s = substitute(system("echo ".expand("<cword>")." | aspell -a -W2 | grep '^&'"), "^.*:\\s\\(.*\\)\\n", "\\1,", "") 
if s != "" 
let slength = strlen(s) 
let end = 0 
let i = 0 
while end != slength 
let i = i + 1 
let w = matchstr(s, "^\\%(.\\{-}\\zs[^ ,]\\+\\ze,\\)\\{".i."}") 
echon "(".i.")".w." " 
let end = matchend(s, w.",") 
echo "" 
let c = input("Replace with: ") 
if c =~ "^[1-9]\\d*$" && c > 0 && c <= i 
execute "normal! ciw".matchstr(s, "^\\%(.\\{-}\\zs[^ ,]\\+\\ze,\\)\\{".c."}") 
echo "No suggestions" 



Gerald Lai , March 19, 2006 3:32

Thanks a lot for the tip. But I found the version provided by Gerald more useful and elegant, because I don't 've to leave the editor to get a list of "suggestions". :) , March 20, 2006 23:19

You don't have to leave the editor in either case. Although I actually agree with you, it is more elegant to avoid perl. , March 23, 2006 3:54

Here's the source for the orignal again. I didn't know how to get the source code to indent.


noremap <silent> \ss :call SuggestWord()<return>

"Make some spelling suggestions for the current word, and allow you to change it for the word you preferr "Requires ispell and perl " "By Ben Staniford: function! SuggestWord ()

let rw = tempname() 
let oldspelling = expand("<cword>") 
"Run ispell on the word under the cursor and prompt us for a choice, then save it to a temp file 
exe '!echo -n '.oldspelling.' | ispell -a -S | perl -e '."\x27".'print "\n\n\n";'. 
\ 'while(<>) {if(/.*:\s(.*$)/){$m=1;--AT--a=split ", ",$1;print "Suggestions: [CTL-C to abort]\n";'. 
\ 'for (--AT--a) {print ++$i.")$_ "} print "\n>"; open (I, "/dev/tty"); $b=<I>; open(RW,">'.rw.'");'. 
\ 'print RW "$a[$b-1]";}}if($m\!=1){print "No Suggestions\n"}'."\x27" 
"If the user selected a word and it was saved, read it now 
if filereadable(rw) 
exe 'read ! cat '.rw 
exe "normal \"adw" 
exe "normal ddk" 
exe "normal /".oldspelling."\<CR>" 
exe "normal cw" 
"Print the word slightly differently if we're at the beginning of a line 
if (wincol() == 1) 
exe "normal \"aP" 
exe "normal \"ap" 

endfunction "SuggestWord()

=, , March 23, 2006 4:00

Grr, apparently, I still don't. , March 23, 2006 4:00

any way to make it mark misspelled words "live" ? some of the other spellchecker scripts tries to do this but not very well. , May 7, 2006 7:02

Yes, install vim7 :-) , November 30, 2006 2:42
