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Tip: #66 - Transfer text between two Vim instances

Created: April 20, 2001 13:46 Complexity: basic Author: Douglas Potts <> Version: 5.7 Karma: 106/34 Imported from: Tip#66

This one is a one of my favorites from Dr. Chip, and I haven't seen it come

across vim tips yet...

Can use either visual, or marking to denote the text.

" transfer/read and write one block of text between vim sessions

" Usage:

" `from' session:

" ma

" move to end-of-block

" xw


" `to' session:

" move to where I want block inserted

" xr


if has("unix")

nmap xr :r $HOME/.vimxfer<CR> 
nmap xw :'a,.w! $HOME/.vimxfer<CR> 
vmap xr c<esc>:r $HOME/.vimxfer<CR> 
vmap xw :w! $HOME/.vimxfer<CR> 


nmap xr :r c:/.vimxfer<CR> 
nmap xw :'a,.w! c:/.vimxfer<CR> 
vmap xr c<esc>:r c:/.vimxfer<cr> 
vmap xw :w! c:/.vimxfer<CR> 



See also Tip #71.

Alexey Marinichev , June 4, 2001 11:17

It would be good if this could include a command to remove the .vimxfer file from the buffer list, otherwise it polutes the list and alternative file. This perhaps negates the benefit since you could just the * buffer as well with only a few extra keystrokes:

(highlight text) "*y

Then to paste in another file or application:

"*p , June 4, 2001 21:56

here is much simple version of it.. however tested on *nix only

"copy and paste betweeen different vim sessions nmap _Y :!echo ""> ~/.vi_tmp<CR><CR>:w! ~/.vi_tmp<CR> vmap _Y :w! ~/.vi_tmp<CR> nmap _P :r ~/.vi_tmp<CR>

select your text, press CTRL+_Y to copy, then in another (or even the same) vim session press CTRL+_P to paste , February 9, 2002 5:43


It is specified about how to copy text from one file to another, but what if we want to move a selected piece of text from code or particular text typed at the prompt i.e after :<Some Text>, then how will the process is done. I mean if we want to send the so called <Some Text> into a file for storage then how to we do it? , July 21, 2004 6:38

This tip is extremely helpful in Unix shells like bash where you can use fix command 'fc' , July 25, 2004 6:58

VimTip21 seems to solve all of these issues

stephenm , January 7, 2006 14:04
