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Tip 1147 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created February 23, 2006 · complexity intermediate · author Martin Krischik · version 6.0

While fine tuning my plugins, I noticed that Vim does not correctly work with maps using <Leader> when the mapleader is a function key like <F12>. You have to use :execute to get a correct mapping:

execute "nnoremap <unique> " . escape(g:mapleader . "1" , "\") . " :call <SID>Set_Font (1) <CR>"
execute "nnoremap <unique> " . escape(g:mapleader . "2" , "\") . " :call <SID>Set_Font (2) <CR>"
execute "nnoremap <unique> " . escape(g:mapleader . "3" , "\") . " :call <SID>Set_Font (3) <CR>"
execute "inoremap <unique> " . escape(g:mapleader . "1" , "\") . " <C-O>:call <SID>Set_Font (1) <CR>"
execute "inoremap <unique> " . escape(g:mapleader . "2" , "\") . " <C-O>:call <SID>Set_Font (2) <CR>"
execute "inoremap <unique> " . escape(g:mapleader . "3" , "\") . " <C-O>:call <SID>Set_Font (3) <CR>"

Similarly, you can se then add menus using execute:

execute "48amenu Plugin.Font.Small<Tab>" . escape(g:mapleader . "1" , "\") . " :call <SID>Set_Font (1)<CR>"
execute "48amenu Plugin.Font.Medium<Tab>" . escape(g:mapleader . "2" , "\") . " :call <SID>Set_Font (2)<CR>"
execute "48amenu Plugin.Font.Large<Tab>" . escape(g:mapleader . "3" , "\") . " :call <SID>Set_Font (3)<CR>"

The examples are taken from my font plugin, see script#1337 for full details.


When you want to use <F12> as a mapleader, you must use a backslash when you define it:

:let mapleader = "\<F12>"
:map <Leader>h :echo "Hello world."<CR>
But then you can't use the g:mapleader for setting up menus any more. I guess the problem runs deeper.

Isn't it a much more general issue that affects all special keys? (see :help expr-string)

It seems to me that special keys must always be escaped for :execute purpose, and of course not escaped when you want to use their name.
