Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 610 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2003 · complexity intermediate · version 6.0

You can use Vim's autocomplete feature in insert mode. Just edit the vimrc file and add lines:

iab <key> <expansion>
<key> is the letter which should be expanded to <expansion>

Example (add your own words):

iab #i #include (typing "#i" and space will be expanded to "#include")
iab #d #define (typing "#d" and space will be expanded to "#define")
iab s struct (typing "s" and space will be expanded to "struct")
iab t typedef ( typing "t" and space will be expanded to "typedef")

In some cases Vim expands a letter automatically that you don't want. You have to watch out for that.


Similarly, in insert mode you can hit Ctrl+P or Ctrl+N to autocomplete. Ctrl+P searches upward in your text for what your trying to complete to, Ctrl+N searches forward in your text. After exhausting the current buffer, both of these commands will begin searching other open buffers. I'm not sure, but I believe that there is also a search path you can specify in the .vimrc if you wish.

Use a dictionary file:

set complete+=k
set dictionary+=/your/dict/file

Ctrl+N, Ctr+P will now search for completions from that dict file.

You can put your common typos as abbreviations, for auto correction:

iab teh the
iab seperate separate

> How cut the space from the resulted substitution?

From :help abbreviations: An exception to this is the character <C-]>, which is used to expand an abbreviation without inserting any extra characters.


:ab hh hello
    "hh<Space>" is expanded to "hello<Space>"
    "hh<C-]>" is expanded to "hello"

Use getchar() to eat up that space, for example:

iab <t <target name="%"></target><Esc>F%s<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>

Regarding how to eat the last typed character (when it is a space): Use :Iabbr and :Inoreabbr from script#50.

See the SuperTab plugin. It does almost all of this without the need for programming.

To eat the last space, for example, with:

iab did <div id="

In insert mode, type did then press Ctrl-]

Result: The abbreviation is expanded with no extra characters, and you are still in insert mode and can continue typing.

To speed up writing English one can learn several speedword systems like Yublin or Dutton Speedwords
