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Tip 73 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created June 5, 2001 · complexity basic · author Volker Duetsch · version 5.7

Basic calculations using integers can done within Vim easily by typing (insert-mode):

CTRL-R followed by = then, for example, 2+2 and press Enter.

The result 4 will be inserted into the document.

See also


Adding the following map to your vimrc

ino <C-A> <C-O>yiW<End>=<C-R>=<C-R>0<CR>

Then, just type 8*8<C-A> you will get 8*8=64

For simple arithmetic, you can often get away with just using repeats of the Ctrl-A (increment) and Ctrl-X (decrement) commands.

For instance, to calculate 453-244, insert the text "453" and then, in Command mode, type 244 and press Ctrl-X (answer: 209).

To calculate 4024+3322, insert the text "4024" and then, in Command mode, type 3322 and press Ctrl-A (answer: 7346).

Passing to the unix utility bc which can do advanced math is very useful. To pipe the current line to bc and replace with it with the result:


To pipe the lines that are currently selected in visual mode to bc and replace with it with the result:


I have a mapping for passing a line to bc:

map gbc yypkA =<Esc>jOscale=2<Esc>:.,+1!bc<CR>kJ

I guess it could be made a bit better. Another useful mapping I once needed was summing numbers on multiple lines:

vmap gs y'>p:'[,']-1s/$/+/\|'[,']+1j!<CR>'[0"wy$:.s§.*§\=w§<CR>'[yyP:.s/./=/g<CR>_j

So, having


in a file would result in two new lines:

