Vim Tips Wiki
Tip 1035 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created November 1, 2005 · complexity basic · author Carl Fürstenberg · version 6.0

Create an ftplugin for filetype *.nfo and include this line:

edit ++enc=cp437

cp850 might work, but some characters might be distorted then.


Your suggestion is quite useful for .NFO files. However, I use a different approach for similar problems, so for .NFO files, I am now using the following code in vimrc:

" Necessary for multiple encodings
set encoding=utf-8

" Common code for encodings
function! SetFileEncodings(encodings)
let b:myfileencodingsbak=&fileencodings
let &fileencodings=a:encodings
function! RestoreFileEncodings()
let &fileencodings=b:myfileencodingsbak
unlet b:myfileencodingsbak

" .NFO specific
au BufReadPre *.nfo call SetFileEncodings('cp437')|set ambiwidth=single
au BufReadPost *.nfo call RestoreFileEncodings()

Note that I use "set ambiwidth=single", since when dealing with Chinese I need to use "set ambiwidth=double".

Could be my version (6.1 i think), or just my tty... but i got errors with the end of the function call: "|set ambiwidth=single", removing this last bit worked fine.
