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Tip: #934 - Vim-sessions under Windows

Created: May 23, 2005 2:15 Complexity: basic Author: Ivan Tishchenko Version: 5.7 Karma: 7/7 Imported from: Tip#934

If you use vim-sessions, and if you run Vim under Windows, try this tip. Place following lines in <somefile>.reg and execute it. This adds files associations for extensions .vimsession and .vim, so that clicking on <bla-bla>.vimsession Windows will run "gvim -S <bla-bla>.vimsession", and something appropriate will be done when clicking on <bla-bla>.vim (read it yourself below). Of course, you will need to change full path to your GVim installed.





@="GVim saved session"




@="D:\\prgfiles\\vim\\vim63\\gvim.exe -S \"%1\""




@="GVim script"




@="D:\\prgfiles\\vim\\vim63\\gvim.exe -c \"try

