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Tip 1172 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2006 · complexity basic · version 6.0

Vimdoc contains the online help files for Vim:

Especially useful is the FAQ:

The FAQ answers a lot of basic and advanced questions about how to perform tasks in Vim. When you have questions regarding Vim, make sure to search through the FAQ.

The FAQ is also provided as a plugin (script#3298), so it can simply be used from within Vim. To use it, download the vimball archive from the page, open the file with Vim and source it:

:so %

This will install the helpfile in your Vim Runtime path and generate the helptags from the provided documentation. After restarting, access the FAQ by entering:

:h vim-faq


@Chrisbra: How does this work? Has Yegappan expressed a view? Apparently script 3298 is a repackaged and slightly modified version of the FAQ at vimdoc (I have not yet looked at it). What happens if the vimdoc FAQ is updated? That is, are there now two versions of the FAQ, or is one a mirror of the other? JohnBeckett 08:02, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

Yegappan has expressed in that he wanted to give me his latest version so I could check it in into github. I haven't received any info from him yet, but at the same time got some more infos to add to the FAQ. I didn't want to wait lonter so I went ahead and made a plugin version and commited my local changes to github. If he releases his version I'll merge it. Chrisbra 19:02, October 27, 2010 (UTC)