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I recently found myself in want of a favicon. Not wanting to mess around with
typical WYSIWIG editors, I wrote a Bash script that generated a PPM file based
on a data matrix corresponding to the individual pixels of the eventual
favicon. By applying syntax highlightning to the data matrix, I effectively had
a WYSIWYG display of the eventual image within Vim.
Why use an image editor when you can create a [[wikipedia:Favicon|favicon]] using Vim ''and'' have WYSIWYG editing? This tip shows a Vim script to generate a [[wikipedia:Netpbm format|portable pixmap format (PPM)]] text file that can be used to create an icon using a tool such as [[wikipedia:Netpbm|Netpbm]]. In addition, syntax commands are provided that highlight the source text file to give WYSIWYG editing (the screen shows how the icon will appear while the text is edited).
The true favicon was a five color, 32x32 matrix, mixing the Swedish and German
As a simple example, an icon for a Swedish flag will be created. Make a file called <code>flag.txt</code> containing the following (the letters following "data" define the colors, other lines are ignored; <code>B</code> = blue and <code>Y</code> = yellow):
flags (that I indeed did some extensive editing on, trying a number of
variations). The below gives a simplified version using a 7x5 Swedish flag with
Sample data for a 16x10 flag of Sweden.
two colors.
data B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
data Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
data B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
Make a file called <code>append-colors.vim</code> containing this Vim script:
Bash (output to be directed into a .ppm file):
" Basic colors from $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt
#!/bin/bash -u
let colors = {
\ 'k' : '0 0 0',
\ 'b' : '0 0 139',
\ 'g' : '0 100 0',
\ 'c' : '0 139 139',
\ 'r' : '139 0 0',
\ 'm' : '139 0 139',
\ 'y' : '165 42 42',
\ 'w' : '211 211 211',
\ 'K' : '169 169 169',
\ 'B' : '0 0 255',
\ 'G' : '0 255 0',
\ 'C' : '0 255 255',
\ 'R' : '255 0 0',
\ 'M' : '255 0 255',
\ 'Y' : '255 255 0',
\ 'W' : '255 255 255'}
" Append lines to current buffer consisting of header (three lines):
Y="255 255 0"
" 'P3' = PPM (full color; numbers in ASCII decimal)
B="0 111 253"
" width height (two numbers)
" color_depth (one number)
" then lines from translating each input letter to its color triple.
" We translate only the letters that follow "data" at the start of a line.
" Width = number of letters in first data item; height = number data items.
function! AppendColors(data_file) abort
let data = readfile(a:data_file)
call filter(data, 'v:val=~#''^data\s''')
call map(data, 'split(v:val)[1:]')
let width_height = printf('%d %d', len(data[0]), len(data))
call append(line('$'), ['P3', width_height, '255'])
for columns in data
call map(columns, 'g:colors[v:val]')
call append(line('$'), columns)
command! -nargs=1 -complete=file AppendColors call AppendColors('<args>')
In Vim, enter the following commands to generate the output file:
function outputLine() {
for color in $*
:so append-colors.vim
eval echo "\$$color"
:AppendColors flag.txt
:w flag.ppm
The above commands creates file <code>flag.ppm</code> by translating the letters in <code>flag.txt</code> to the color code numbers defined in the <code>colors</code> dictionary in the script. The script reads the file into a list called <code>data</code>, then filters the list, keeping only the lines that start with "data" followed by a space or a tab character. Each element in the list (a data line) is then split into a list of whitespace-separated words, but the first word ("data") is omitted. The width and height of the icon are then determined from the number of columns and rows in the data. Then the ppm output data is appended to the current buffer.
echo 'P3'
echo '7 5'
echo '255'
With the Netpbm tools installed, you can create an icon file (say <code>flag.ico</code>) using:
# The below is the colored matrix. (Could be in a separate file.)
outputLine B B Y B B B B
ppmtowinicon -output=flag.ico flag.ppm
outputLine B B Y B B B B
outputLine Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
outputLine B B Y B B B B
outputLine B B Y B B B B
==WYSIWYG editing==
Edit file <code>flag.txt</code> and enter the following commands:
:syntax clear
:syntax match Yellow " Y"
:syntax match Blue " B"
:highlight Yellow guibg=#FFFF00 guifg=#FFFF00
:highlight Blue guibg=#006FFD guifg=#006FFD
That will highlight "<code> Y</code>" (space then <code>Y</code>) in yellow, and "<code> B</code>" (space then <code>B</code>) in blue. The colors are solid (foreground = background).
Syntax highlightning to apply to the Vim buffer to make the matrix appear
in solid colors:
An easy way to enter the commands would be to save the above lines in file <code>flag-syntax.vim</code>, then edit <code>flag.txt</code> and enter the command:
:so flag-syntax.vim
To clear the highlighting, enter:
:syntax clear
:syntax clear
:syn match Yellow / Y/
:syn match Blue / B/
:hi Yellow guibg=#FFFF00 guifg=#FFFF00
:hi Blue guibg=#006FFD guifg=#006FFD
==WYSIWYG editing with full-featured syntax file==
Beware that I have mostly been a passive consumer of highlightning, and that
An alternative to the above simple syntax commands would be to source the following syntax script while editing <code>flag.txt</code>:
the above is not necessarily the optimal way to achieve the wanted effect.
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists('b:current_syntax')
runtime! syntax/sh.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syn region ppmData
\ matchgroup=ppmKeyword
\ keepend
\ start=/^data\>/
\ end=/$/
\ contains=ppmBlack,ppmDarkblue,ppmDarkgreen,ppmDarkcyan,ppmDarkred,ppmDarkmagenta,
syn match ppmBlack /\C k/ contained
syn match ppmDarkblue /\C b/ contained
syn match ppmDarkgreen /\C g/ contained
syn match ppmDarkcyan /\C c/ contained
syn match ppmDarkred /\C r/ contained
syn match ppmDarkmagenta /\C m/ contained
syn match ppmBrown /\C y/ contained
syn match ppmLightgrey /\C w/ contained
syn match ppmDarkgrey /\C K/ contained
syn match ppmBlue /\C B/ contained
syn match ppmGreen /\C G/ contained
syn match ppmRed /\C R/ contained
syn match ppmMagenta /\C M/ contained
syn match ppmYellow /\C Y/ contained
syn match ppmWhite /\C W/ contained
if version >= 508 || !exists('did_ppm_syntax_inits')
if version < 508
let did_ppm_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiSet hi <args>
command -nargs=+ HiSet hi def <args>
HiSet ppmBlack ctermbg=Black ctermfg=LightGrey guibg=black guifg=white
HiSet ppmDarkblue ctermbg=DarkBlue ctermfg=LightGrey guibg=darkblue guifg=white
HiSet ppmDarkGreen ctermbg=DarkGreen ctermfg=LightGrey guibg=darkgreen guifg=white
HiSet ppmDarkCyan ctermbg=DarkCyan ctermfg=LightGrey guibg=darkcyan guifg=white
HiSet ppmDarkRed ctermbg=DarkRed ctermfg=LightGrey guibg=darkred guifg=white
HiSet ppmDarkmagenta ctermbg=DarkMagenta ctermfg=LightGrey guibg=darkmagenta guifg=white
HiSet ppmBrown ctermbg=Brown ctermfg=LightGrey guibg=brown guifg=white
HiSet ppmLightgrey ctermbg=LightGrey ctermfg=Black guibg=lightgrey guifg=black
HiSet ppmDarkgrey ctermbg=DarkGrey ctermfg=White guibg=darkgrey guifg=white
HiSet ppmBlue ctermbg=Blue ctermfg=White guibg=blue guifg=white
HiSet ppmCyan ctermbg=Cyan ctermfg=DarkGrey guibg=cyan guifg=white
HiSet ppmRed ctermbg=Red ctermfg=White guibg=red guifg=black
HiSet ppmMagenta ctermbg=Magenta ctermfg=White guibg=magenta guifg=black
HiSet ppmYellow ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=DarkGrey guibg=yellow guifg=black
HiSet ppmWhite ctermbg=White ctermfg=DarkGrey guibg=white guifg=black
HiSet link ppmKeyword Keyword
delcommand HiSet
let b:current_syntax = "ppm"
==See also==
*[ Larger example] using a bash script, with screen shots
A [ much larger write-up] with the full examples and some screen-shots is available. (I hope
that the size justifies the external link.) The above should suffice to reproduce
everything, however.

Latest revision as of 06:40, 13 July 2012

Tip 1629 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created 2009 · complexity basic · author Michael.Eriksson · version 7.0

Why use an image editor when you can create a favicon using Vim and have WYSIWYG editing? This tip shows a Vim script to generate a portable pixmap format (PPM) text file that can be used to create an icon using a tool such as Netpbm. In addition, syntax commands are provided that highlight the source text file to give WYSIWYG editing (the screen shows how the icon will appear while the text is edited).


As a simple example, an icon for a Swedish flag will be created. Make a file called flag.txt containing the following (the letters following "data" define the colors, other lines are ignored; B = blue and Y = yellow):

Sample data for a 16x10 flag of Sweden.

data     B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data     B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data     B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data     B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data     Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
data     Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
data     B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data     B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data     B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B
data     B B B B B Y Y B B B B B B B B B

Make a file called append-colors.vim containing this Vim script:

" Basic colors from $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt
let colors = {
  \ 'k' : '0 0 0',
  \ 'b' : '0 0 139',
  \ 'g' : '0 100 0',
  \ 'c' : '0 139 139',
  \ 'r' : '139 0 0',
  \ 'm' : '139 0 139',
  \ 'y' : '165 42 42',
  \ 'w' : '211 211 211',
  \ 'K' : '169 169 169',
  \ 'B' : '0 0 255',
  \ 'G' : '0 255 0',
  \ 'C' : '0 255 255',
  \ 'R' : '255 0 0',
  \ 'M' : '255 0 255',
  \ 'Y' : '255 255 0',
  \ 'W' : '255 255 255'}

" Append lines to current buffer consisting of header (three lines):
"   'P3' = PPM (full color; numbers in ASCII decimal)
"   width height (two numbers)
"   color_depth  (one number)
" then lines from translating each input letter to its color triple.
" We translate only the letters that follow "data" at the start of a line.
" Width = number of letters in first data item; height = number data items.
function! AppendColors(data_file) abort
  let data = readfile(a:data_file)
  call filter(data, 'v:val=~#''^data\s''')
  call map(data, 'split(v:val)[1:]')
  let width_height = printf('%d %d', len(data[0]), len(data))
  call append(line('$'), ['P3', width_height, '255'])
  for columns in data
    call map(columns, 'g:colors[v:val]')
    call append(line('$'), columns)
command! -nargs=1 -complete=file AppendColors call AppendColors('<args>')

In Vim, enter the following commands to generate the output file:

:so append-colors.vim
:AppendColors flag.txt
:w flag.ppm

The above commands creates file flag.ppm by translating the letters in flag.txt to the color code numbers defined in the colors dictionary in the script. The script reads the file into a list called data, then filters the list, keeping only the lines that start with "data" followed by a space or a tab character. Each element in the list (a data line) is then split into a list of whitespace-separated words, but the first word ("data") is omitted. The width and height of the icon are then determined from the number of columns and rows in the data. Then the ppm output data is appended to the current buffer.

With the Netpbm tools installed, you can create an icon file (say flag.ico) using:

ppmtowinicon -output=flag.ico flag.ppm

WYSIWYG editing[]

Edit file flag.txt and enter the following commands:

:syntax clear
:syntax match Yellow " Y"
:syntax match Blue   " B"
:highlight Yellow guibg=#FFFF00 guifg=#FFFF00
:highlight Blue   guibg=#006FFD guifg=#006FFD

That will highlight " Y" (space then Y) in yellow, and " B" (space then B) in blue. The colors are solid (foreground = background).

An easy way to enter the commands would be to save the above lines in file flag-syntax.vim, then edit flag.txt and enter the command:

:so flag-syntax.vim

To clear the highlighting, enter:

:syntax clear

WYSIWYG editing with full-featured syntax file[]

An alternative to the above simple syntax commands would be to source the following syntax script while editing flag.txt:

if version < 600
  syntax clear
elseif exists('b:current_syntax')

runtime! syntax/sh.vim
unlet b:current_syntax

syn region ppmData
 \ matchgroup=ppmKeyword
 \ keepend
 \ start=/^data\>/
 \ end=/$/
 \ contains=ppmBlack,ppmDarkblue,ppmDarkgreen,ppmDarkcyan,ppmDarkred,ppmDarkmagenta,

syn match ppmBlack       /\C k/ contained
syn match ppmDarkblue    /\C b/ contained
syn match ppmDarkgreen   /\C g/ contained
syn match ppmDarkcyan    /\C c/ contained
syn match ppmDarkred     /\C r/ contained
syn match ppmDarkmagenta /\C m/ contained
syn match ppmBrown       /\C y/ contained
syn match ppmLightgrey   /\C w/ contained
syn match ppmDarkgrey    /\C K/ contained
syn match ppmBlue        /\C B/ contained
syn match ppmGreen       /\C G/ contained
syn match ppmRed         /\C R/ contained
syn match ppmMagenta     /\C M/ contained
syn match ppmYellow      /\C Y/ contained
syn match ppmWhite       /\C W/ contained

if version >= 508 || !exists('did_ppm_syntax_inits')
 if version < 508
  let did_ppm_syntax_inits = 1
  command -nargs=+ HiSet hi <args>
  command -nargs=+ HiSet hi def <args>
 HiSet ppmBlack       ctermbg=Black       ctermfg=LightGrey     guibg=black       guifg=white
 HiSet ppmDarkblue    ctermbg=DarkBlue    ctermfg=LightGrey     guibg=darkblue    guifg=white
 HiSet ppmDarkGreen   ctermbg=DarkGreen   ctermfg=LightGrey     guibg=darkgreen   guifg=white
 HiSet ppmDarkCyan    ctermbg=DarkCyan    ctermfg=LightGrey     guibg=darkcyan    guifg=white
 HiSet ppmDarkRed     ctermbg=DarkRed     ctermfg=LightGrey     guibg=darkred     guifg=white
 HiSet ppmDarkmagenta ctermbg=DarkMagenta ctermfg=LightGrey     guibg=darkmagenta guifg=white
 HiSet ppmBrown       ctermbg=Brown       ctermfg=LightGrey     guibg=brown       guifg=white
 HiSet ppmLightgrey   ctermbg=LightGrey   ctermfg=Black         guibg=lightgrey   guifg=black
 HiSet ppmDarkgrey    ctermbg=DarkGrey    ctermfg=White         guibg=darkgrey    guifg=white
 HiSet ppmBlue        ctermbg=Blue        ctermfg=White         guibg=blue        guifg=white
 HiSet ppmCyan        ctermbg=Cyan        ctermfg=DarkGrey      guibg=cyan        guifg=white
 HiSet ppmRed         ctermbg=Red         ctermfg=White         guibg=red         guifg=black
 HiSet ppmMagenta     ctermbg=Magenta     ctermfg=White         guibg=magenta     guifg=black
 HiSet ppmYellow      ctermbg=Yellow      ctermfg=DarkGrey      guibg=yellow      guifg=black
 HiSet ppmWhite       ctermbg=White       ctermfg=DarkGrey      guibg=white       guifg=black

 HiSet link ppmKeyword Keyword
 delcommand HiSet

let b:current_syntax = "ppm"

See also[]
