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Tip: #1161 - Windo and restore current window

Created: March 2, 2006 21:05 Complexity: intermediate Author: Version: 6.0 Karma: 0/2 Imported from: Tip#1161

The :windo, :bufdo, :argdo (and, in Vim 7, :tabdo) series of commands are great. However, they have one side-effect that I don't like: they change the current window/buffer/tab and make it the last one. Toward that end, I have the following commands defined in my environment:

" Just like windo but restores the current window when it's done

function! WinDo(command)

let currwin=winnr() 
execute 'windo ' . a:command 
execute currwin . 'wincmd w' 


com! -nargs=+ -complete=command Windo call WinDo(<q-args>)

" Just like Windo except that it disables all autocommands for super fast processing.

com! -nargs=+ -complete=command Windofast noautocmd call WinDo(<q-args>)

" Just like bufdo but restores the current buffer when it's done

function! BufDo(command)

let currBuff=bufnr("%") 
execute 'bufdo ' . a:command 
execute 'buffer ' . currBuff 


com! -nargs=+ -complete=command Bufdo call BufDo(<q-args>)

Using them is no different from using the standard :windo or :bufdo, except that when you're done, you're right back where you were.


Windofast set nu

Turns on line-numbers in all windows -- quickly (because no autocommands trigger) -- and leaves your cursor exactly where it was so that you may continue with what you were doing.

Here's another example, one that I have defined permanently (this is in keeping with other tips already provided, so I'm not enclosing it as a separate tip):

function! SetAutoSaveAndRestore( enable )

augroup SaveAndRestoreAll 
if a:enable 
au FocusLost * silent! Windo call UpdateIfPossible() 
au FocusGained * silent! checktime 
augroup END 


" Automatically write all changed buffers every time we move out of the Vim window

call SetAutoSaveAndRestore( 1 )

" Writes out the current file if it isn't read-only, has changed and has a name; useful from the autocommand that saves

" all files upon Vim's losing focus.

function! UpdateIfPossible()

if expand('%') ==  
elseif &ro

