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Tip 450 Printable Monobook Previous Next

created March 26, 2003 · complexity basic · author Me Thinks · version 5.7

I usually need to work on different projects (let us call them: PROJ1 and PROJ2). These are in different directories, have different files.. etc. It would be nice if I can instruct my editor to take me back to the exact session (see :help sessions) for each of these projects - open the required files and buffers, window layout etc.


1. Append the following code to your vimrc or save the file in $HOME/.vim/plugin


Put session.bim in $HOME/.vim/plugin Change the variable g:PathToSessions to your desired place, if needed (make sure that this directory exists and is writable)

2. Open all/some files in a particular project (as if you are working on that) in gvim. Say I open all my PROJ1 related files.

You can split windows etc.. and make it look as if you are really working! Type

:SetSession PROJ1

3. Quit gvim.

4. Restart gvim without any filenames at the command line.

5. You ought to get a popup-entry asking you which session to restore. Choose PROJ1.vim to see the effect.

6. Repeat with other projects.


You don't have to :SetSession everytime you open gvim as in step 5. Only once.

If you start vim with no files at the command line, you have an option of going back to the last saved session (this is available in the gui if you choose LastSession.vim)

au VimLeave * call VimLeave()
au VimEnter * call VimEnter()
let g:PathToSessions = $HOME . "/.vim/sessions/"

function! VimEnter()
  if argc() == 0
    " gvim started with no files
    if has("browse") == 1
      let g:SessionFileName = browse(0, "Select Session", g:PathToSessions, g:PathToSessions . "LastSession.vim")
      if g:SessionFileName != ""
        exe "source " . g:SessionFileName
      " For non-gui vim
      let LoadLastSession = confirm("Restore last session?", "&Yes\n&No")
      if LoadLastSession == 1
        exe "source " . g:PathToSessions . "LastSession.vim"

function! VimLeave()
  exe "mksession! " . g:PathToSessions . "LastSession.vim"
  if exists("g:SessionFileName") == 1
    if g:SessionFileName != ""
      exe "mksession! " . g:SessionFileName
" A command for setting the session name
com -nargs=1 SetSession :let g:SessionFileName = g:PathToSessions . <args> . ".vim"
" .. and a command to unset it
com -nargs=0 UnsetSession :let g:SessionFileName = ""


Nice tip, but I had to change the code a lot before I got it to work. Perhaps your setup (or platform) is somehow different from mine.

Anyway, here's my code. It works great for me:

au VimLeave * call VimLeave()
au VimEnter * call VimEnter()
let g:PathToSessions = $HOME . "/.vim/sessions"

function! VimEnter()
  if argc() == 0
    " gvim started with no files
    if has("browse") == 1
      let g:SessionFileName = browse(0, "Select Session", g:PathToSessions, "/LastSession.vim")
      if g:SessionFileName != ""
        exe "source " . g:SessionFileName
      " For non-gui vim
      let LoadLastSession = confirm("Restore last session?", "&Yes\n&No")
      if LoadLastSession == 1
        exe "source " . g:PathToSessions . "/LastSession.vim"

function! VimLeave()
  exe "mksession! " . g:PathToSessions . "/LastSession.vim"
  if exists("g:SessionFileName") == 1
    if g:SessionFileName != ""
      exe "mksession! " . g:SessionFileName

" A command for setting the session name
com! -nargs=1 SetSession :let g:SessionFileName = g:PathToSessions . "/" . <args> . ".vim"
" .. and a command to unset it
com! -nargs=0 UnsetSession :let g:SessionFileName = ""

I had to had a line to VimEnter:

exe "source ~/.vim/syntax/mysyntax.vim"

to keep my personal syntax highlighting.

Sourcing the session file seemed to switch the highlighting back to the default. Apart from that it was an excellent tip

One more detail: Instead of

:SetSession PROJ1

I find I have to do

:SetSession "PROJ1"


:SetSession "PROJ1"

is correct.

Apart from that, I don't see why the changes to the g:PathToSessions (removing the "/") and the rest of the code were needed. As has been said, maybe our setups are somehow different.. I have tested on HPUX and Windows NT.. the original script seemed to work fine..

Regarding personal syntax highlighting, normal filetype detection ought to take place, and it does for me, and the appropriate syntax file gets sourced. Again, I don't know why this doesn't work at your end..

One more issue: mksession also saves values of vim variables, like 'path' for instance, so changes in your .vimrc to these variables will get overwritten when you source the PROJ1.vim file

Maybe I'll iron these out, add some more glamour, and move it to scripts section.

I've edited the script a bit so that i don't have to move my hand just to use the mouse to click on the file, and make them work more consistently either GUI or non-GUI. It's just a quick hack.

function! VimEnter()
  if argc() == 0
    let LoadLastSession = confirm("Restore last session?", "&Yes\n&No")
    if LoadLastSession == 1
      exe "source " . g:PathToSessions . "/LastSession.vim"
      call LoadSessions()

function! LoadSessions()
  let result = "List of sessions:"
  let sessionfiles = glob(g:PathToSessions . "/*.vim")
  while stridx(sessionfiles, "\n") >= 0
    let index = stridx(sessionfiles, "\n")
    let sessionfile = strpart(sessionfiles, 0, index)
    let result = result . "\n " . fnamemodify(sessionfile, ":t:r")
    let sessionfiles = strpart(sessionfiles, index + 1)
  let result = result . "\n " . fnamemodify(sessionfiles, ":t:r")
  let result = result . "\n" . "Please enter a session name to load (or empty to start normally):"
  let sessionname = input(result)
  if sessionname != ""
    exe "source " . g:PathToSessions . "/" . sessionname . ".vim"

Alternative: session.vim plug-in

The session.vim plug-in (script#3150) extends the concepts on this page into a more full featured session manager that supports automatic session management (using a `default' session), manual session management (using named sessions) and restoring of dynamic windows created by plug-ins such as NERD tree and Project.
